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Mr. P ga perlu panjang yg penting nyampe dh

Dimulai oleh rawWARus, Agustus 15, 2008, 09:11:28 AM

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0 Anggota dan 1 Pengunjung sedang melihat topik ini.


Kutip dari: eky pada Agustus 15, 2008, 08:46:56 PM
hauhuahau .. Melihat pembicaraan Melnick dengan Brilliant, sepertinya Mr.P sudah berganti kepanjangan menjadi Mr. Permen ..
minta2 permen ngapain sampai ke Dumai mel, udah beli gih di warung .hahaa

ahaha.. iya nih, udah ganti topik  ;D
mau tapi males ke warung, udah malem  :P (bilang aja males  ;D)
"Crystals are like people, it is the defects in them which tend to make them interesting!" -Colin Humphreys.

@melissaniken ;D


Tidak perlu besar, tidak perlu panjang, yang penting pas dengan tempatnya. Kalau kebesaran malah menyakitkan pasangan, kalau kepanjangan malah ngga asik, baik buat diri sendiri maupun untuk pasangan  ;)
omne vivum ex vivo, so viva!


sukurlah udah kembali ke topik... kirain dari halaman pertama udah berubah jadi obrolan warung kopi. udah siap-siap ngunci topik tadinya.


yg nomor 1 pasti bikin perokok pikir-pikir... mengenai benar ato tidaknya ntar dibahas satu per satu kalo nemu data penyanggahnya.

15 things you didn't know about the penis

1. Smoking can shorten your penis by as much as a centimeter. Erections are all about good bloodflow, and lighting up calcifies blood vessels, stifling erectile circulation. So even if you don't care all that much about your lungs or dying young, spare the li'l guy.

2. Doctors can now grow skin for burn victims using the foreskins of circumcised infants. One foreskin can produce 23,000 square meters, which would be enough to tarp every Major League baseball infield with human flesh.

3. An enlarged prostate gland can cause both erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. If you have an unexplained case of either, your doctor's looking forward to checking your prostate. Even if you're not.

4. The average male orgasm lasts six seconds. Women get 23 seconds. Which means if women were really interested in equality, they'd make sure we have four orgasms for every one of theirs.

5. The oldest known species with a penis is a hard-shelled sea creature called Colymbosathon ecplecticos. That's Greek for " amazing swimmer with large penis".

6. Circumcised foreskin can be reconstructed. Movable skin on the shaft of the penis is pulled toward the tip and set in place with tape. Later, doctors apply plastic rings, caps, and weights. Years can pass until complete coverage is attained.

7. Only one man in 400 is flexible enough to give himself oral pleasure. It's estimated, however, that all 400 have given it their best shot at some point.

8. There are two types of penises. One kind expands and lengthens when becoming erect (a grower). The other appears big most of the time, but doesn't get much bigger after achieving erection (a shower).

9. An international Men's Health survey reports that 79 percent of men have growers, 21 percent have showers.

10. German researchers say the average intercourse lasts two minutes, 50 seconds, yet women perceive it as lasting five minutes, 30 seconds. Are we that good or bad?

11. Turns out size does matter: the longer your penis, the better "semen displacement" you'll achieve when having sex with a woman flush with competing sperm. That's according to researchers at the State University of New York, who used artificial phalluses to test the "scooping" mechanism of the penis's coronal ridge.

12. The penis that's been enjoyed by the most women could be that of King Fatefehi of Tonga, who supposedly deflowered 37,800 women between the years 1770 and 1784 --- that's about seven virgins a day. Go ahead, say it: it's good to be king.

13. Better-looking men may have stronger sperm. Spanish researchers showed women photos of guys who had good, average, and lousy sperm --- and told them to pick the handsomest men. The women chose the best sperm producers most often.

14. No brain is necessary for ejaculation. That order comes from the spinal cord. Finding a living vessel for said ejaculation, however, takes hours of careful thought and, often, considerable amounts of alcohol.

15. The most common cause of penile rupture: vigorous masturbation. Some risks are just worth taking.

(Source: THE GUY LIST Mike Zimmerman Research by the editors of Men's Health Germany. Men's Health October 2006)


yg terkait ukuran yg nomor 3...

[pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]

Hey guys, think you know everything there is to know about having sex with women? That erotic encyclopedia you carry around in your head may contain a lot of basic errors and omissions about women's sexuality -- errors that can lead to sex mistakes.

That's because -- after learning the facts of life -- most of us are left to figure out sex for ourselves. Guys tend to take a lot of cues from adult movies, and we all know how true-to-life those are. Experience may help, but many women can be shy when talking about what they like.

To help us with some sex tips, WebMD asked two acclaimed sex educators, Tristan Taormino and Lou Paget, to tell us what they think are the most common sex mistakes men make with women.

Taormino is a prolific author, lecturer, and video producer. Her latest project is the Expert Guide educational video series from Vivid Ed.

Paget is author of The Great Lover Playbook and other sex manuals, and she gives seminars nationwide.

Sex Mistake No.1: You Know What She Wants

Men often make assumptions about what a woman wants based upon what they've done with other women. But women aren't all the same.

"You develop a repertoire as you mature sexually, but you should never assume that what worked for the last person is going to work for this person," Taormino says.

That applies not only to sexual predilections, but also to relationships, she says. "There are women who can have no-strings-attached sex, and women who can get attached very easily, and then everyone in between."

Sex Mistake No. 2: You Have All She Needs

Some women can't have an orgasm with less than 3,000 rpm. No human tongue or fingers can generate that kind of vibration. But men typically think something is wrong if a woman needs a vibrator.

"If the only way that a woman can achieve orgasm is with a vibrator, she's not broken," Taormino says.

Think of a vibrator as your assistant, not your substitute. Many couples use vibrators together. "While you're doing one thing, or two things, the vibrator can be doing something else," Taormino says.

Sex Mistake No. 3: Sex Feels the Same for Men and Women

Paget says there tends to be a "huge disconnect" between men and women in the ways that sex feels good.

"When a man has intercourse with a woman, and his penis goes into her body, that sensation is so off the charts for most men, they cannot imagine that it isn't feeling the same way for her," Paget says. "It couldn't be further from the truth."

The inside of the vagina is probably less sensitive than the outer parts for most women. Also, deep thrusting may not feel so nice on the receiving end. If the penis is too long, "it feels like you're getting punched in the stomach," Paget says. "It makes you feel nauseous."

Sex Mistake No. 4: You Know Your Way Around a Woman's Anatomy

Most guys know generally what a clitoris is and where to find it. That's not to say that they really understand it.

More than 30 years ago, at the start of the "sexual revolution," a best-selling book called the Joy of Sex got Americans hip to the orgasmic importance of the clitoris. But the belief that women must be able to orgasm from vaginal penetration stubbornly persists.

"I still get letters from people who say things like, my wife can't [orgasm] from intercourse unless she has clitoral stimulation -- please help," Taormino says. "I want to write back and say, 'OK, what's the problem?'"

"For the majority of women, it's not going to happen that way," Paget says.

Men also lack information about how to touch it and how sensitive it is, Taormino says.

A touch that's bliss for one woman may feel like nothing special, or may even be painful for someone else. Some prefer indirect stimulation.

How can you find out how she likes to be touched? Try asking her.

Sex Mistake No. 5: Wet = Turned On

Guys sometimes get hung up if a woman doesn't get slippery enough for easy penetration. Don't worry about it.

"I think there's a myth that if you're turned on, you're wet," Taormino says. Not necessarily.

Some women tend to get wetter than others, and how much natural lubrication a woman has can change from day to day. It varies by the phase of her menstrual cycle, and it's subject to influences like stress and medications.

Sex Mistake No. 6: Silence Is Golden

A lot of guys think they should be silent during sex, but unless you speak up, your partner has to guess what's doing it for you and what isn't.

If you're respectful about it, a woman who wants to please you will probably appreciate some directions.

"I'm not saying push her head in your lap," Taormino says. "I think that, 'this is how I like it,' is a very useful conversation to have." (Sumber: WebMD)


bentuk dan ukuran menurutku tidak terlalu berpengaruh..


eh? bentuk? emang ada bentuk yg lain? sepertinya bentuknya ya itu-itu aja...


huahauhuahuah ..
bentuk kondom mah banyak kali ya .. :D


Emangnya gimana kita bisa tahu kalo ujungnya udah mentok?  ???
Btw judulnya kan "...yang penting nyape", nyampe kemana? kalo gak nyampe mungkin bisa pake extention  ;D

kayaknya kamu belum saatnya mengikuti diskusi ini ya nak :)


Ukuran Mr.P Pengaruhi Kesuburan - Size does matter. Itulah prinsip yang dipegang pria dalam urusan seks. Kendati untuk memuaskan wanita tidak diperlukan ukuran penis yang besar, namun menurut penelitian terbaru ternyata ukuran Mr.P ini berpengaruh juga pada kesuburan.

Ukuran penis yang dimaksud di sini adalah panjang yang diukur dari anus sampai bawah skrotum atau disebut dengan anogenital distance (AGD).

Menurut penelitian yang dipublikasikan dalam jurnal Environmental Health Perspective, ukuran AGD ini bisa jadi salah satu petunjuk kesuburan sederhana tapi cukup akurat.

Shanna Swan, profesor bidang obstetri dan ginekolog dari Universitas Rochester, Amerika, yang melakukan studi ini mengatakan AGD berkaitan erat dengan jumlah cairan mani dan jumlah sel sperma.

Angka median AGD adalah sekitar 2 inci (5,08 cm). Pria yang ukuran AGD-nya lebih pendek dari angka tersebut memiliki risiko infertilitas tujuh kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan pria yang AGD-nya lebih panjang. Pria yang AGD-nya pendek juga cenderung memiliki jumlah sperma lebih sedikit atau kurang dari 20 juta per milimeter.

Pria yang memiliki jumlah sperma sedikit biasanya juga akan sulit menghamili istrinya. Jumlah sperma yang normal adalah 50-60 juta sel sperma per milimeter.

Pada awalnya penelitian yang dilakukan Swan ini tidak ditujukan untuk menganalisa tentang kesuburan. Namun dari hasil awal penelitian yang dilakukan terhadap 126 mahasiswa ini menemukan bahwa wanita hamil yang terpapar zat kimia dalam plastik yang disebut phthalates cenderung melahirkan bayi laki-laki dengan ukuran AGD pendek.

Pada tahun 2005 dan diulangi tahun 2008, Swan menemukan bahwa para ibu hamil yang terpapar phthalates dalam kadar tinggi akan melahirkan bayi laki-laki dengan ukuran AGD dan ukuran penis lebih pendek.

Walaupun saat ini ukuran AGD belum dijadikan standar dalam tes fertilitas namun Swan mengatakan ukuran AGD bisa menjadi data tambahan bagi pemeriksaan kesuburan yang dilakukan dokter.

"Saat ini tes AGD ini memang belum direkomendasikan, tapi dengan riset lanjutan bukan tidak mungkin itu akan terjadi," katanya.