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Fenomena Hujan Katak dan Darah.

Dimulai oleh semut-ireng, September 05, 2010, 08:07:32 PM

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Fenomena badai /  angin topan,  hujan katak dan hujan darah sudah tertulis di Al-Quran  :

"   Kemudian Kami galakkan angin topan melanda mereka,  Kami datangkan pula serangga belalang,  kuman-kuman,  katak dan darah sebagai tanda kenyataan,  tetapi mereka tetap bersikap angkuh.   Mereka memang betul-betul kaum yang durhaka. " (  Al-Quran,  7 ; 133 )

[pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]

Silakan dikomen.


Konteks ayat tersebut kalau tidak salah untuk kisah nabi musa ya.
Raffaaaaael, raffaaaaael, fiiii dunya la tadzikro. Rafaael. Fi dunya latadzikro bil hikmah, wa bil qiyad

Maa lahi bi robbi. Taaqi ilaa robbi. La taaqwa, in anfusakum minallaaahi.


Kutip dari: Farabi pada September 06, 2010, 07:20:37 AM
Konteks ayat tersebut kalau tidak salah untuk kisah nabi musa ya.

Betul,  dalam konteks dongeng / kisah Nabi Musa AS.   Dalam Al-Quran ada beberapa ayat yang menyatakan bahwa orang-orang yang tidak beriman kepada Allah selalu mengatakan  ' kisah-kisah di Al-Quran itu hanya dongengan orang-orang zaman dahulu saja ',  dan dijawab dalam ayat yang lain  '  itu bukan sekedar dongeng,  tetapi mengandung hikmah yang tinggi '.  :)


Memangnya asli kisah di website diatas itu terjadi sungguhan? kok tidak ada di tivi ya?
Raffaaaaael, raffaaaaael, fiiii dunya la tadzikro. Rafaael. Fi dunya latadzikro bil hikmah, wa bil qiyad

Maa lahi bi robbi. Taaqi ilaa robbi. La taaqwa, in anfusakum minallaaahi.

soviet regarda

iya yah..klo bneran mah udah geger di tipi2 kayaknya...
itumah boong kali...


cerita dongeng memang banyak orang suka ...

soviet regarda


he,  soviet regarda,  pernah dengar sebutan ' sirota ' bahasa Rusia ? hehehe.......... ;D ;D


The Houw Liong

Gejala itu terjadi ketika gunung berapi akan meledak, karena gunung itu akan memancarkan gas beracun sehingga hewan akan terangkat dan sungai akan beracun karena terjadi reaksi kimia membuat ikan mati.

The Houw Liong

Using computer-generated imagery pioneered in Walking With Dinosaurs, the programme tells the story of how Moses led the Hebrews out of Egypt after a series of plagues had devastated the country. But it also uses new scientific research to argue that many of the events surrounding the exodus could have been triggered by the eruption, which would have been a thousand times more powerful than a nuclear bomb.

Dr Daniel Stanley, an oceanographer who has found volcanic shards in Egypt that he believes are linked to the explosion, tells the programme: "I think it would have been a frightening experience. It would have been heard. The blast ash would have been felt."

Computer simulations by Mike Rampino, a climate modeller from New York University, show that the resulting ash cloud could have plunged the area into darkness, as well as generating lightning and hail, two of the 10 plagues.

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Weather man has explanations for Biblical disasters 17 Jun 2001
The cloud could have also reduced the rainfall, causing a drought. If the Nile had then been poisoned by the effects of the eruption, pollution could have turned it red, as happened in a recent environmental disaster in America.

The same pollution could have driven millions of frogs on to the land, the second plague. On land the frogs would die, removing the only obstacle to an explosion of flies and lice - the third and fourth plagues.

The flies could have transmitted fatal diseases to cattle (the fifth plague) and boils and blisters to humans (the sixth plague).

The hour-long documentary argues that even the story of the parting of the Red Sea, which allowed Moses to lead the Hebrews to safety while the pursuing Egyptian army was drowned, may have its origins in the eruption.

It repeats the theory that "Red Sea" is a mistranslation of the Sea of Reeds, a much shallower swamp.

Computer simulations show that the Santorini eruption could have triggered a 600ft-high tidal wave, travelling at about 400 miles an hour, which would have been 6ft high and a hundred miles long when it reached the Egyptian delta.

Such an event would have been remembered for generations, and may have provided the inspiration for the story.

Jean-Claude Bragard, the director, said: "Sifting through the latest historical research and utilising new archaeological tools, we have been able to find a surprising amount of circumstantial evidence for the Biblical tales."