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The Arrogance of Atheism

Dimulai oleh botrezkii, Oktober 11, 2010, 09:18:59 AM

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The arrogance of atheism:

We don't know it all but it seems unlikely that complexity simply existed. Since we can observe complexity, from simplicity must have arose complexity. We are part of this complexity that arose through natural causes, and while we have traits that are better than other forms of life, there is nothing intrinsically special about us. The Earth was here before us and will be here after us. We are lucky and grateful to be here for the time we have, but there doesn't seem to be anyone to thank.

The humility of theism:

Complexity cannot simply exist, therefore complexity can only come from even greater complexity. The complexity that we see is proof of this greater complexity. We know why everything exists. It exists for us. The stars and planets and all life--that exists for us. The laws of nature exist for us. They will be broken when we ask for it. God himself died for us. There is nothing we cannot explain--God did it. If you cannot explain something it is proof that we are right. If you have evidence that contradicts us, the evidence is wrong. We know that we are right, and if you disagree with us you will be tortured eternally. If you agree with us you will be rewarded eternally. Nothing will convince us that we are wrong, because we know that we are right. We know God and we know his will. Anyone who disagrees will be punished for THEIR arrogance.

source: The Arrogance of Atheism Manifest

atheist memang benar - benar sombong dan tinggi hati karena tidak mengakui adanya Tuhan, eh? ;D
"Gravity is not a version of the truth. It is the truth. Anyone who doubts it is invited to jump out a tenth-storey window."


yah sebaiknya siapa pun itu, yang ga percaya tuhan tidak pernah mati, eh tapi mereka percayanya setelah mati ga ada apa apa y? ;D


Kutip dari: botrezkii pada Oktober 11, 2010, 09:18:59 AM
The arrogance of atheism:

We don't know it all but it seems unlikely that complexity simply existed. Since we can observe complexity, from simplicity must have arose complexity. We are part of this complexity that arose through natural causes, and while we have traits that are better than other forms of life, there is nothing intrinsically special about us. The Earth was here before us and will be here after us. We are lucky and grateful to be here for the time we have, but there doesn't seem to be anyone to thank.
Hm, sisi arogannya di mana? Pernyataan bahwa hal kompleks berkembang dari hal yang lebih sederhana, pertanyaan bahwa kita adalah produk dari proses alami, bahwa sejatinya kita bukanlah sosok yang istimewa dibanding makhluk lain. Dan bahwa bumi sudah ada sebelum kita, dan akan tetap ada meski kita sudah tak ada. Apanya yang arogan? Atau anda maksudkan baris terakhir, soal 'tak ada sosok untuk berterima kasih'? Karena nampaknya tak ada sosok Tuhan yang bisa mereka temukan, maka mereka tak merasa harus berterima kasih pada sosok yang mereka gak percaya keberadaannya kan? Mungkin itu yang terasa arogan bagi theis?

Kutip dari: botrezkii pada Oktober 11, 2010, 09:18:59 AMThe humility of theism:

Complexity cannot simply exist, therefore complexity can only come from even greater complexity. The complexity that we see is proof of this greater complexity. We know why everything exists. It exists for us. The stars and planets and all life--that exists for us. The laws of nature exist for us. They will be broken when we ask for it. God himself died for us. There is nothing we cannot explain--God did it. If you cannot explain something it is proof that we are right. If you have evidence that contradicts us, the evidence is wrong. We know that we are right, and if you disagree with us you will be tortured eternally. If you agree with us you will be rewarded eternally. Nothing will convince us that we are wrong, because we know that we are right. We know God and we know his will. Anyone who disagrees will be punished for THEIR arrogance.
Ini adalah bentuk sindiran terhadap theis fundamentalis yang kukuh dengan dogmanya



manifest tersebut adalah sindiran bagi para kaum theist yang kerap menuduh atheist dan sains itu menyombongkan diri dengan tidak mempercayai Tuhan :)
"Gravity is not a version of the truth. It is the truth. Anyone who doubts it is invited to jump out a tenth-storey window."



hawkings pernah bilang bahwa dia itu "religious but not in normal sense", kurang lebih seperti Einstein mungkin, memposisikan 'God' sebagai sebuah istilah yang membungkus misteri asal - usul dari alam semesta :)
"Gravity is not a version of the truth. It is the truth. Anyone who doubts it is invited to jump out a tenth-storey window."


dengan itu Tuhan terlihat sebagai sesuatu yang 'suci'


"Gravity is not a version of the truth. It is the truth. Anyone who doubts it is invited to jump out a tenth-storey window."


Kutip dari: botrezkii pada Oktober 11, 2010, 09:18:59 AM

The humility of theism:

Complexity cannot simply exist, therefore complexity can only come from even greater complexity. The complexity that we see is proof of this greater complexity. We know why everything exists. It exists for us. The stars and planets and all life--that exists for us. The laws of nature exist for us. They will be broken when we ask for it. God himself died for us. There is nothing we cannot explain--God did it. If you cannot explain something it is proof that we are right. If you have evidence that contradicts us, the evidence is wrong. We know that we are right, and if you disagree with us you will be tortured eternally. If you agree with us you will be rewarded eternally. Nothing will convince us that we are wrong, because we know that we are right. We know God and we know his will. Anyone who disagrees will be punished for THEIR arrogance.

source: The Arrogance of Atheism Manifest

atheist memang benar - benar sombong dan tinggi hati karena tidak mengakui adanya Tuhan, eh? ;D

theism did not equal christianity :facepalm:


"Gravity is not a version of the truth. It is the truth. Anyone who doubts it is invited to jump out a tenth-storey window."



atheist bukanlah sebuah sifat sedangkan arogan adalah kata sifat jadi menurut saya tidak kesinambungan antara 2 hal ini ..