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Bolehkan membeli tanah di bulan?

Dimulai oleh ksatriabajuhitam, September 08, 2011, 06:39:33 PM

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Pemerintah/negara tidak bisa meng-klaim tanah di bulan, tetapi individu dan perusahaan mungkin suatu hari boleh.


FYI: Can I Buy Land on the Moon?

Stake Out Governments can't claim land on the moon, but individuals and corporations may one day be able to. NASA/iStock

For now at least, the moon is like the sea: everyone can use it, but no one can own it. In 1967 the U.S. and the Soviet Union negotiated the Outer Space Treaty, which states that no nation can own a piece of the moon or an asteroid. "You have a right to go up and take the lunar soil, but you don't have any right to draw a square on the surface of the moon and say, 'That square is mine,'" says Stephen E. Doyle, a retired lawyer who served as NASA's Deputy Director of Internal Affairs. If the Space Settlement Institute—which lobbies for private industry to develop land on other planets—has its way, new laws will allow space colonists to stake moon claims and start a colony.
Alan Wasser, the Space Settlement Institute's chairman, says that a private company should build a "spaceline," similar to an airline, between the Earth and moon. And because a corporation is not a nation, the Outer Space Treaty would not apply. Corporations have settled new worlds before. The London Company was a joint stock enterprise that established the Jamestown Settlement in 1607,providing transportation to pioneers in return for seven years of labor in America, where they cultivated tobacco and other crops for the company's profit.
Wasser says that land ownership—and the promise of profits based on it—is a necessary incentive to invest in space settlement. He is lobbying for legislation that would commit the U.S. government to honor future moon claims. But anyone can buy a deed to land on the moon right now. The Lunar Registry ("Earth's leading lunar real-estate agency") sells such deeds on its website for about $20 an acre. Doyle says that some kind of lunar governing body is necessary to recognize and enforce property rights, but no such body exists. So as it stands, the claims are not much more than fancy pieces of paper.
Doyle says that future moon settlers could look to the Antarctic Treaty, which designates the continent as a scientific preserve and prohibits military activity or mining; 28 countries maintain research stations subject to review by the Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programs, which oversees best practices of scientific research on the continent. "Anybody who understands the implications of imposing a national law on celestial bodies," Doyle says, "understands we are better to treat it like Antarctica and the high seas than we are to treat it like Manhattan." If not, he says, we would "take all the problems and contests we've had on the surface of the Earth for 5,000 years and extend them to outer space."

Source: [pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]

gimana pendapat teman2 forsa?

not all the problems could be solved by the sword, but sword holder take control of problems.
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Kalau kepemilikan tanah di satu negara, awalnya semua tanah milik negara yang kemudian kepemilikannya dimintakan oleh individu atau perusahaan.


mungkin daripada tanah dibulan lebih besar kemungkinannya negara-negara besar yang akan berebut tanah di planet mars. penelitian sudah menunjukan ada bekas tanda kehidupan ataupun calon kehidupan baru di mars. ditemukan pula gleser yang penuh akan oksigen.

jadi kemungkinan besar akan banyak yang membeli tanah di planet mars drpd dibulan. (lagian kalau di bulan cape juga mesti loncat-loncatan  ;D)
[move]sesuatu itu dimulai dari mimpi, diusahakan dan menjadi kenyataan[/move]


Siapa cepat dia dapat. Yang datang ke bulan duluan, boleh mengklaim bulan sebagai tempat tinggalnya dan membuat koloni.
Raffaaaaael, raffaaaaael, fiiii dunya la tadzikro. Rafaael. Fi dunya latadzikro bil hikmah, wa bil qiyad

Maa lahi bi robbi. Taaqi ilaa robbi. La taaqwa, in anfusakum minallaaahi.


waduh, soal tanah di bulan lagi. gw juga pernah post dulu nih, cina katanya rencana mo beli, eh tapi negara gak boleh ya.



Kutip dari: Farabi pada September 08, 2011, 08:51:16 PM
Siapa cepat dia dapat. Yang datang ke bulan duluan, boleh mengklaim bulan sebagai tempat tinggalnya dan membuat koloni.
kalau kaya gitu udah pasti USA atau negara maju lainnya dan indonesia maybe....
[move]sesuatu itu dimulai dari mimpi, diusahakan dan menjadi kenyataan[/move]


kalau dipikir2 buat apa membeli tanah di bulan? setahu saya struktur tanah dibulan itu keras (seperti batu) dan berpasir.
dan dlm ilmu geografi tanah tersebut disebut tanah mati karena tidak memiliki unsur hara. masuk akal dgn keadaan bulan itu seperti apa.
i adore your intelligence

Monox D. I-Fly

Kutip dari: exile_rstd pada Oktober 01, 2011, 11:33:08 AM
kalau dipikir2 buat apa membeli tanah di bulan? setahu saya struktur tanah dibulan itu keras (seperti batu) dan berpasir.

Untuk dijadikan objek wisata bisa kan? Jadi astronot yang mau mendarat ke bagian tanah yang itu harus membayar ke negara yang membelinya...
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