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Beasiswa IDEA League

Dimulai oleh peregrin, Mei 02, 2008, 05:46:04 PM

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kabarnya sih asyik nih kalo dapat beasiswa ini, studinya bakal pindah2 di UK (Imperial College), Belanda (TU Delft), Swiss (ETH Zurich), German (RWTH Aachen) dan Prancis (ParisTech). Dan nantinya gelarnya juga dari semua univ. tsb kabarnya.

Coba cek sendiri di websitenya ya  :D


IDEA League grant is for the promotion of student collaborations on research projects between Imperial College, TU Delft, ETH Zurich, RWTH Aachen and ParisTech. These grants can be use on all student levels (Bachelor, Master, PhD).

The grant
The grant will be â,¬ 1.000 per month, for periods from two weeks to six months and will be awarded by the sending university.

Subject areas
Each IDEA League university can currently offer 36 months of grants. Students interested should find a project related to the IDEA League excellence clusters in Energy, Environment, Health or ICT and apply at their respective IDEA League university.

Keterangan selanjutnya baca di:
[pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]
[email protected]
Free software [knowledge] is a matter of liberty, not price. To understand the concept, you should think of 'free' as in 'free speech', not as in 'free beer'. (fsf)


Kemaren ngasih tau beasiswa ini ke si adjie, trus pas dibuka-buka situsnya kok ga ada info persyaratan dan aplikasinya ya? Bisa tolong ditanyain ke temennya ga rat dulu dia gimana caranya?