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Beasiswa Erasmus Mundus untuk study S2 / Master bidang Teknik

Dimulai oleh skuler, Desember 21, 2008, 09:13:32 PM

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European Union menyediakan beasiswa Erasmus Mundus untuk mahasiswa dari third-country atau non-EU untuk mengikut studi pasca sarjana S-2 (Master Degree) pada bidang-bidang yang memiliki konsorsium penyelenggara. Konsorsium penyelenggara ini terdiri atas beberapa universitas di Eropa yang menyelenggarakan pendidikan bidang terkait tersebut. Mahasiswa melakukan studi-nya pada universitas- universitas tersebut, serta memilih salah satu universitas untuk tempatnya melakukan tugas akhir. Deadline pendaftaran berbeda-beda bergantung pada konsorsium yang menyediakan layanan studi Master tersebut.

Untuk bidang Optics:
http://www.master- [pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]

Untuk bidang Photonics:
http://www.master- photonics. org/

Untuk bidang Materials Science dan Sensor untuk Teknologi Lingkungan:
http://erasmusmimms set.webs. [pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]

Untuk bidang Advanced Robotics:
http://emaro. [pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]

Untuk bidang Mechatronics dan Micro-Mechatronics:
http://www.uniovi. es/eu4m/EU4M_ site/index. php

Untuk bidang Mathematical Models in Engineering:
http://www.mathmods .eu/

Untuk Software Engineering:
http://emse. [pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]

Untuk bidang FAME Functionalized Advance Materials Engineering:
http://www.fame- [pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]

The FAME international Master of Science degree in Functionalized Advanced Materials and Engineering (FAME) is specialized in :

    * Hybrid Materials and Ceramics
    * Materials for Micro- and Nanotechnologies
    * Nanomaterials and Hybrids
    * Engineering of Materials and Nanostructures
    * Nanomaterials and Modelling
    * Functional Ceramics
    * Materials Interfaces

Untuk bidang MAMAself
http://etudes. univ-rennes1. fr/mamaself
MaMaSELF is a one year European Master program (2nd Master year) in Materials Science, which aims to teach the application of "Large Scale Facilities" for the characterisation and development of materials.

Untuk bidang Computational Mechanics
http://www.cimne. com/cm-master/

Untuk bidang ATOSiM (Atomic Scale Modeling of Physical, Chemical, and Biomolecular Systems)
http://www.erasmusm undus-atosim. [pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]

AtoSim is a one year Physics or Chemistry Masters degree focused on computer modelling of physical, chemical and biomolecular systems.

AtoSim is operated jointly by:

    * University of Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS
    * Ecole normale supérieure in Lyon, FRANCE
    * University la Sapienza in Rome, ITALY.

Students choose two of the three organization for their courses and a research project respectively and obtain a double diploma.

This one-year degree provides a high-level qualification in the rapidly expanding field of computer modeling in physical, chemical and bio-molecular sciences. This highly integrated Course covers a full range of techniques: from quantum mechanical atomistic descriptions to coarse-grained mesoscopic models. Particular fields of application include condensed matter and statistical physics, chemistry, physical chemistry, materials science and theoretical bio-molecular science.

Untuk bidang Fusi Nuklir dan Engineering Physics:
http://www.em- master-fusion. org/index. asp

Untuk bidang Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion:
http://www.u- picardie. fr/mundus_ MESC/

Untuk bidang MONABIPHOT (Molecular nano- and bio-photonics for telecommunications and biotechnologies)
http://www.ens- [pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.] monabiphot/

Untuk bidang AMASE (Advanced Materials Science and Engineering)
http://www.amase- [pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]

Untuk bidang NanoScience dan Nanotechnology:
http://www.emm- [pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.] indexnano. htm

Four leading research and educational institutions in Europe propose a joint Erasmus Mundus Master Course entitled "Nanoscience and nanotechnology". The programme offered is a truly integrated program, with a strong research backbone and a very important international outreach. The objective of this course is to provide top quality multidisciplinary education in nanoscience and nanotechnology. The participating partners are:

• Chalmers Tekniska Högskola (Chalmers), Sweden
• Technische Universiteit Delft (TUD) & Universiteit Leiden (UL), The Netherlands
• Technische Universität Dresden (TU Dresden), Germany
• Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (K.U.Leuven) ,Belgium

The fast evolution of the field requires a strong consortium with noted educational experience in the field. The partners offer this experience. In addition, all the lectures offered by the consortium are embedded within various research centres (e.g. IMEC in Leuven, Casimir Research School in Delft/Leiden, Max Planck Institute in Dresden, MC2 centre in Chalmers). This strong link between education and research is a guarantee for keeping the education relevant and state of the art.

The master programme has a duration of two years (120 ECTS points). Erasmus Mundus students follow courses at two of these universities. Courses are taught in English.

Untuk bidang Aeronautics and Space Technology
http://www.aerospac emasters. org/

Untuk bidang Industrial Mathematics:
[pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]. [pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]

Untuk bidang Space Science and Technology:
http://spacemaster. se/

Universities responsible for the SpaceMaster Course are called the Consortium.

    *  Cranfield University (CU), England
    *  Czech Technical University (CTU), Czech
    *  Helsinki University of Technology (TKK), Finland
    *  University of Würzburg (JMUW), Germany
    *  Luleå University of Technology (LTU), Sweden (Coordinating University)
    *  Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III (UPS), France


SpaceMaster provides top-class research and professional oriented modules and projects in Space Science and Technology for high quality students from Europe and from non-European countries. It makes possible for the students to combine great diversity of space expertise.

During the two years of full-time studies students obtain cross-disciplinary experience from laboratory exercises and by carrying out computer simulations such as balloons, rockets, satellites and radar control, tele-robotics, sensor data fusion, automatic control and multi-body dynamics.

The international student community and the singular chance to study in different countries on project-related facilities add to the value of this Master Course. It provides the potential to face the globally acting industry.

Language of instruction is mainly English. The Course is intended for a small number of top level students. The student intake number is approximately 45 - 60 students.

The SpaceMaster Course leads to two officially recognised [pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]. degrees. Good Erasmus Mundus scholarships are available for non-EU students. EU students will get Erasmus mobility grants. EU students can also appy for the ESA scholarship and for scholarships for Thesis work and studies at one of the 5 non-EU partnership universities.

Untuk bidang Mechanical Engineering (EMMME)
http://www.emmme. com/

Untuk bidang Materials Science
http://www.tuhh. de/eciu-gs/ pro_joint_ mat.html

Untuk bidang Computational Logic:
http://european. computational- [pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]

Untuk bidang Earthquake Engineering and Seismology:
http://www.meees. org/

============ ========= ========= =

Tentang Erasmus Mundus untuk student dapat dibaca di:
http://ec.europa. eu/education/ programmes/ mundus/faq/ index_en. html

Bidang-bidang lain yang juga memiliki konsorsium untuk program studi Master dapat dibaca di:
http://ec.europa. eu/education/ programmes/ mundus/projects/ index_en. html

Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat dan dapat disebarluaskan.


Dedy Delft
"Who controls the present now controls the past. Who controls the past now controls the future."-- RATM, 1999.