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Beasiswa ke JEPANG !

Dimulai oleh monokorobo, Maret 15, 2010, 06:59:09 PM

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0 Anggota dan 1 Pengunjung sedang melihat topik ini.


as "the Program") was established in Tokyo, Japan, in 1992 as a non-profit
foundation under the approval of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports,
Science and Technology (formerly called the. Ministry of Education) Japan based
on a fund prepared by Mitsui & Co., Ltd. The Program aims to encourage
Indonesian students who wish to study at universities in Japan and obtain a
bachelor's degree thereby.

The objective of the Program is to support and assist the students so that:

* Firstly, the students can learn about and become intimate with
Japanese culture and customs.
* Secondly, the students can develop an international sensibility
through daily life in Japan. Consequently, the students can make their best
efforts in their respective fields so as to contribute to the development of
Indonesia after finishing their studies in Japan, calling upon their experience
of living and studying in Japan.

Japan, calling upon their experience of living and studying in Japan.
Therefore, the grantees who have completed their studies in Japan under the
Program will be requested to make their utmost effort to materialize the
Program�fs objectives; however, the grantees will be entirely free from any
other obligations and duties.

Homestay Study Tour Tokyo, 2-9 Juli 2010
Klik [pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]. com/homestay/

Silakan klik [pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]. com/

untuk info lengkapnya.
Waktu diibaratkan pedang yang akan bunuh diri kita, waktu tak akan bisa berputar kembali,janganlah sia-siakan waktumu, taukah kamu setiap detik dan menit mengandung manfaat bagi orang yang menggunakan