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Georg Forster Research Fellowships - Germany

Dimulai oleh reborn, Maret 02, 2007, 11:14:27 PM

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The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH) enables highly qualified researchers from developing countries (excluding Turkey, India and the PR of China; see list of eligible countries) to carry out academic projects of their own choice in Germany (age limit: 45 years). Applications may be submitted for long-term research stays of between 6 and 12 months; an extension of up to 24 months is possible.

Funding is not available for short-term study visits, participation in conferences, or training courses.

The research fellowships are announced internationally, on a competitive basis. Researchers from developing countries (see list of eligible countries) are eligible to apply. There are no quotas in respect of country or discipline. The subject of the research proposal must be of relevance to development policy and particularly suited to the transfer of knowledge and methods to developing countries. Approx. 60 research fellowships are available every year.

Decisions are based primarily on the quality and feasibility of academic projects proposed by candidates as well as the applicant's academic record to date. Applicants choose their own research projects and their own German hosts. Details of the research project and the time-schedule must be agreed upon with the prospective host in advance.

Applications to continue a research stay which has already begun may be considered in exceptional cases

Application requirements

   1. Proof of independent research work over a number of years documented by:
      - a doctorate or comparable academic degree (Ph.D., [pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]. or equivalent); or
      - several years' experience as the leader responsible for a working group (professor, senior researcher) at an institution of higher education or research; or
      - academic publications commensurate with the stage in the career cited above.
      In all cases it is necessary to provide proof of publication in internationally-reviewed journals or by publishing houses. Applicants who have nearly completed their doctoral degrees, may apply providing they submit the manuscript of their dissertation or publications containing the results of thier dissertation.

   2. Choice of a research proposal of significant relevance to development policy which, by being carried out in Germany, will allow the transfer of knowledge and technologies to developing countries.

   3. Advance agreement with an academic host in Germany who is willing to supervise the research proposal and provide a workplace for carrying out the research project.

   4. Age limit: 45 (appointed date: the completed application must be received before the applicant's 45th birthday). In well-founded cases - and if the age limit has only just been exceeded - exceptions may be made due to e.g. parental leave.

   5. Language skills: Scientists and engineers must have a good proven knowledge of German or English (language certificate required). Scholars in the humanities and social sciences should have a good knowledge of German if it is necessary to carry out the project successfully. A German language certificate confirming proficiency must be submitted. Otherwise, a good knowledge of English is sufficient (language certificate required).

   6. Affiliation to a developing country (nationality and focal point of residence and employment). A complete list of countries can be found here.

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