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Memahami cara kerja PoE di cisco

Dimulai oleh hermanjafar, November 08, 2016, 08:45:39 PM

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bagai mana ya cara aktifkan sistem PoE di cisco smal business SG220-26P ...
maaf saya newbe


Udah dibaca manualnya belum?

Yang ini bukan? [pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]

Di manualnya halaman 118

[pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]

Configuring PoE Properties
Use the Properties page to select either the Port Limit or Class Limit mode of PoE
operation, and specify the PoE traps to be generated.
These settings are entered in advance. When the PD actually connects and is
consuming power, it might consume much less than the maximum power allowed.
Power is disabled during power-on reboot, initialization, and system configuration
to ensure that PDs are not damaged.
To configure PoE on the switch and monitor current power usage:
Port Management
PoE Properties
STEP   2
Enter the following information:

Power Mode
—Select one of the following options:
Port Limit
—The maximum power limit per each port is configured by the user.

Class Limit
—The maximum power limit per port is determined by the
class of the device, which results from the classification stage.
When you change from Port Limit to Class Limit or vice versa, the
ports will be reconnected.

—Enables or disables supporting legacy powered devices. This
feature only works when establishing the connection autonegotiation. For
the legacy powered devices that are already connected, disabling this
feature only takes effect after you unplug their cables.

—Enables or disables traps. If traps are enabled, you must also enable
SNMP (see
Configuring TCP/UDP Services
) and configure at least one
SNMP notification recipient (see
Configuring SNMP Notification

Power Trap Threshold
—Enters the usage threshold that is a percentage of
the system power. An alarm is initiated if the power exceeds this value.
The following counters are displayed for each device:

Operational Status
—Displays the Normal or Faul
t of operational status of
the PoE switch.

Nominal Power
—Displays the total amount of power that the switch can
supply to all connected PDs.

Consumed Power
—Displays the amount of power currently being
consumed by the PoE ports.

Allocated Power
—Displays the amount of power allocated for the PoE

Available Power
—Nominal power minus the amount of allocated power.
STEP   3
. The PoE properties are defined, and the Running Configuration is


Maaf bg sudah saya coba tetap gak bisa bg ...
maaf bg dari swict SG-220-26P yg saya gunakan ini dari port nya bisa saya pergunakan langsung ke Acsess Poin atau radiolink langsung bg ?


saya juga ga terlalu paham sih. ga bisa kenapa om, di bagian apanya yg ga bisa? coba ikutin manualnya yg tadi aja, liat settingannya di admin panel.

bisa ke access point pake kabel ethernetnya kalo access point-nya juga PoE. Kalo bukan PoE, harusnya pake PoE splitter.