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Homemade laser

Dimulai oleh reborn, April 20, 2008, 12:30:53 PM

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There are many types of lasers which can be constructed reasonably easily and inexpensively (in the hundred dollar range or less) by the amateur with a reasonable expectation of success. Some are constructed completely 'from scratch' using materials available at a hardware store, while others are adapted from parts scavenged from surplus commercial laser systems.

Inexpensive types of lasers options for the amateur laser constructor:

Diode and Helium-Neon (HeNe)
lasers which usually produce a CW red beam. A diode laser requires only a simple power supply such as a simple current regulator (easily built from a regulator chip). The cheapest source for laser diodes are inexpensive laser pointers from a dollar store. Aside from a diode laser, perhaps the best 'first-project' for a hobbyist is the HeNe gas laser. A good start for the beginner, working with this laser will provide valuable experience at working with high voltages. Tubes and power supplies are available on the web from various surplus suppliers from $25 and up. For powering a HeNe laser tube all that is usually required is a suitable high-voltage power supply which can be purchased as a packaged, epoxy-encapsulated unit, or can be built by the hobbyist from individual components.

Nitrogen lasers
produce intense pulses of UV light. Aside from uses in stimulating fluorescence in materials this laser is commonly used as a pump laser for dye lasers. It is easily constructed from materials available at most hardware stores. Only a basic vacuum pump is required so even a converted refrigerator compressor can be used and a well-constructed laser can use air as the lasant gas saving the cost of a tank of gas.

TEA Nitrogen lasers
similar to the nitrogen above however do not require a vacuum pump at all. These lasers have incredibly short output pulses (about one nanosecond) and so construction of the electrical discharge circuit is _very_ critical. No vacuum pump is required making it attractive to many amateurs however the pulse is extremely short and these are 'touchy' to construct. A good choice only after you understand basic electronics and the principles behind a transmission line.

Dye lasers
relatively easily constructed which use a nitrogen laser as a pump. These are fully tunable across large ranges of wavelengths by using a diffraction grating instead of a fully-reflecting rear mirror.

Flashlamp Pumped Dye lasers
a bit more difficult to build than a nitrogen-laser pumped dye laser since the flashlamp must operate in about one microsecond: 1000 times faster than a common photoflash strobe. Still, a decent choice for amateur construction especially if the discharge is optimized for speed by using higher voltages and lower capacitances. Again, a good understanding about the concepts of impedance and discharge circuits is required.

Nd:YAG and Ruby lasers
emit powerful pulses capable of burning. The main issue here is availability (and affordability) of the laser rod and mirrors although these are frequently available on the surplus market opening the door to higher powers. YAG has low pump threshold energies allowing small (< 100J) flashlamps to be used.

Argon lasers
emit powerful green and blue beams. Air-cooled tubes, resembling overgrown HeNe tubes, are available on surplus markets to make this laser viable for amateurs. The power supplies are more complex than HeNe's though given the high currents involved and since commercial power supplies are in short supply many amateurs opt to build their own.

Sumber : [pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]


bisa lebih diperjelas lagi rinciannya? lebih baik kalo pake skema dan gambar. udah ga sabar buat maenan tembak-tembakan nih...


^^walah pikirannya sama ???

kayaknya cuma info aja deh yang om riborn kasih  ;D
gimana si biar jadi pinter selain belajar?? >___<


wekss... malah mo buat maen tembak2an.
Di link di atas itu cukup lengkap kok, ada skema dan gambar2nya juga. Gw sendiri blm nyoba, cuman pas baca2 keknya menarik, ya udah deh diringkas dikit2 trus dishare di sini.


@born,, terjemahin dong,,,,, huehehehe,,,,


idem kaya L... tolong diterjemahin, kalo ngga keberatan ada gambar2nya juga. hehehehe


Kutip dari: syx pada Juli 07, 2008, 09:41:35 AM
bisa lebih diperjelas lagi rinciannya? lebih baik kalo pake skema dan gambar. udah ga sabar buat maenan tembak-tembakan nih...

syx tolong ya laser itu berbahaya! eh emang anda bisa gitu bikin laser?

for reborn tengkyu for the link

Monox D. I-Fly

Kutip dari: zxcvb pada Maret 16, 2009, 11:22:54 PM
syx tolong ya laser itu berbahaya! eh emang anda bisa gitu bikin laser?

Lah, emangnya ini laser yang bisa ditembakin kayak di film-film itu? Ini bukannya fungsinya cuma buat nyorot ya?
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