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Dimulai oleh The Houw Liong, Desember 08, 2017, 04:05:12 PM

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The Houw Liong

Teleportasi (Teleportation)

[pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]

How do I teleport a particle?

Let's go back to our two entangled particles. If a third particle interacts with the first entangled particle, the change that occurs in the entangled particle is mirrored in its twin.

So the twin contains information about the third particle and effectively takes on its existence.
Sounds great, what's the problem?

It has been impossible to create a long-distance link between two entangled particles because an entangled photon can only travel about 150km down a fibre-optic channel before becoming absorbed.
Image copyright AFP/Getty

How does it work?

Simply put, teleportation is transmitting the state of a thing rather than sending the thing itself.

Some physicists give the example of a fax machine - it sends information about the marks on a piece of paper rather than the paper itself. The receiving fax machine gets the information and applies it to raw material in the form of paper that is already there.


trims Pak THL.. mungkin ini pertanyaan bodoh, atau ada di teksbook tp saya belum smpt baca.. apa jenis interaksi antara 2 partikel yg saling entangled ? apakah termasuk interaksi baru diluar 4 interaksi fundamental yg kita kenal ? thanks in advanced
We must know — we will know!
-David Hilbert -

The Houw Liong

Quantum entanglement is the phenomenon of two particles, such as photons, that remain connected even when they are separated by a large distance. Specifically, if something happens to one particle, it will automatically affect the other one, even though they are separated. To non-physicists, this might sound a bit like magic -- or pseudo-science at the very least -- and even Albert Einstein, whose research contributed to current quantum theory, described the concept as "spooky action at a distance."

But now, physicists have been able to produce entangled photons (or packets of light) in outer space, reports the Chicago Tribune, even without quite understanding how the phenomenon of quantum entanglement works. In a study published in the journal Science, physicist Jian-Wei Pan at the University of Science and Technology of China described how he and his team were able to produce these entangled photons on a satellite orbiting the Earth and then beam the particles to two different ground-based labs that were 750 miles apart, without losing the particles' mysterious linkage.

Specifically, on the satellite Micius, which launched last year, a high-energy laser was fired through a special kind of crystal, thereby generating entangled photon pairs. The photons were transmitted to two ground stations in China: one in the city of Delingha and one in the city of Lijiang, about 750 miles away from each other.

Quantum entanglement is exciting because it could one day be used for "quantum communication" or the means of communicating secure or confidential messages without cables, wireless signals or code. Because any interference with an entangled particle immediately affects its partner, these communications cannot be hacked. Entangled particles could also be used to build a "quantum internet," allowing for secure and lightspeed communication, which could have useful applications for hospitals, credit card companies and government agencies that are prone to cyber attacks.

The next step that Pan would like to investigate is sending quantum particles from the ground to the satellite and setting up a channel that would allow for the transmission of tens of thousands of entangled pairs per second. "Then the satellite can really be used for quantum communication," he said.


bagaimana kalau yg entangled itu fermion/matter..? misalny elektron atw neutrino..
[pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]
We must know — we will know!
-David Hilbert -


yg saya lihat jadi masalahnya gini Pak.. kan semua interaksi fundamental itu pakai mediator; foton, graviton, gluon, dan massive vector bosons (weak interaction).. dan semua itu butuh waktu utk merambat.. kalau gangguan pada salah satu partikel yg ber-entangle mengubah state pasangannya "seketika", berarti kan interaksinya sptny belum terkategorikan dalam 4 interaksi fundamental
We must know — we will know!
-David Hilbert -

The Houw Liong

Benar hal itu yang ditanyakan oleh Einstein kepada Bohr, Hesenberg , Schroedinger dll.
Namun gejala entanglement didukung oleh observasi experimen.

Lihat :

[pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]


Kutip dari: The Houw Liong pada Desember 08, 2017, 04:05:12 PM
How does it work?

Simply put, teleportation is transmitting the state of a thing rather than sending the thing itself.

Some physicists give the example of a fax machine - it sends information about the marks on a piece of paper rather than the paper itself. The receiving fax machine gets the information and applies it to raw material in the form of paper that is already there.

dari kutipan ini terdengar seperti bukan teleportasi, tapi penggandaan data jarak jauh. ini sama saja dengan kamera foto yang fotonya dikirim ke device yang jauh.

jadi yang dikirim adalah informasi tentang manusia, bukan manusianya yang dikirim jarak jauh.
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