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Doctors seek to regrow parts of fingers

Dimulai oleh reborn, Februari 16, 2007, 06:03:22 AM

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Kalo ada yang punya jurnalnya, mau dong  :-[

[pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]

Doctors at a Texas military base are testing a procedure on wounded Iraq veterans that may allow them to regrow portions of lost fingers. The procedure involves treatments with a fine powder called extracellular matrix, which is taken from the bladders of pigs, the Wall Street Journal said. The substance is what cells latch on to in mammals to allow them to divide and grow into tissue.

Scientists who developed the procedure say the substance appears to activate latent biological processes in humans that encourage healing and tissue regeneration. They said the processes are active in human fetuses, which have the ability to regenerate and grow new parts, but the ability becomes dormant after birth.

"Fetuses can regenerate just about everything," said Stephen Badylak, a researcher at the University of Pittsburgh's McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine. "If those signals are there, how can we turn them back on?"

David Baer, manager of the U.S. Army unit's bone and soft-tissue program, said the team does not expect soldiers to regrow whole fingers.

"We'd love to see bone, but we don't know," Baer said. The hope is for an inch of soft tissue, with blood vessels and nerves, that soldiers can pinch their thumbs against and restore some function.


wah, belum tidur, masih cari2 berita sains aja  :) ... admin emang benar2 dedicated deh.

eh gimana cara masukin artikel ke database? tinggal attach aja khan.

sementara aq attach 1 artikel dulu ttg tissue engineering ya, ntar nyusul kalo nemu yg lain. Kasih tahu ya kalo dah bisa buka.
Mo pulang dulu, dah capek  :)

ini nemu berita lain yg related jg:

[pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]

Scientists Produce Artificial Fibers That Act as 'Templates' to Grow New Tissue

A team of researchers at the Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (IBN) has successfully created artificial fibers with nanometer-sized features that can be used to grow cells and tissue structures.

These ‘fibrous scaffolds’ have been imbued with features of the natural extracellular matrix, the ground substance in which cells are embedded and a vital component in the engineering of human tissues.

This research was recently published in the March issue of the leading journal Advanced Materials*1. The work on the “Three-Dimensional Reconstituted Extracellular Matrix Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering” also won an Outstanding Paper Award at the 12th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering in December 2005*2.

Scaffolds are ‘templates’ upon which the desired cell type or precursor is seeded for the growth of different tissues. Signaling molecules can also be incorporated into these structures to instruct or regulate cell growth and differentiation. Using IBN’s fibrous scaffolds, tissue engineers, for example, would be able to take a patient’s own cells, grow it into tissue in the lab, and subsequently implant the developed tissue back into the patient.

While much work has been done to engineer suitable scaffolds, conventional production methods involve the use of high temperatures, organic solvents and/or a leaching step to develop porosity. Such conditions compromise the biological activity of proteins, and thus pose problems in the incorporation of biological molecules within the scaffolds.

IBN, however, has been able to create fibers by interfacial polyelectrolyte complexation, which is a mild, aqueous-based process that takes place at ambient temperature. A method called ‘hydroentanglement’ that employs water pressure is then used to entangle the fibers into scaffolds. Previous work in this area was hampered by the tendency of the fibers to clump and form a dense monolith of low porosity. IBN scientists solved this problem by incorporating silica, an inorganic material that is found in simple marine organisms and some forms of glass, effectively crosslinking the fibers to obtain porous 3-D scaffolds. The porosity or permeability of the scaffold is important because a scaffold with a high surface-to-volume ratio provides for better interaction of cells with the matrix, and thus a better environment for the culture of various cell types for tissue engineering.

Results have shown that cells could adhere and grow well on IBN’s fibrous scaffolds after they were incorporated with components such as collagen, fibronectin and cell-adhesion peptides. “We have created scaffolds based on natural polymers and extracellular matrix components that can be specially tailored for the adhesion and proliferation of a variety of cells,” said IBN Principal Research Scientist Dr Andrew Wan, who is the team leader of the project. “Hence, these scaffolds would have many potential applications in the engineering of tissues as implants, or as in vitro models for drug development“.

A US patent has been filed on the invention.

*1 A. C. A. Wan, B. C. U. Tai, K.-J. Leck, and J. Y. Ying, “Silica-Incorporated Polyelectrolyte-Complex Fibers as Tissue-Engineering Scaffolds,” Advanced Materials, 18 (2006), 641-644.

*2 A. C. A. Wan, B. C. U. Tai, K.-J. Leck, S. Pek, S. Gao, and J. Y. Ying, “Three-Dimensional Reconstituted Extracellular Matrix Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering,” 12th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Singapore, December 2005. Outstanding Paper Award.

Free software [knowledge] is a matter of liberty, not price. To understand the concept, you should think of 'free' as in 'free speech', not as in 'free beer'. (fsf)


asiiiikkk.... dah disedot dengan sukses! ;D Makasih yahh.... lah itu peregrin responnya juga cepet amat...  40 menit dah dapet artikelnya.... bacanya menyusul yahh. Muter2 dulu ;)


menarik nih... semoga di indonesia juga cepat berkembang