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Blue Screen of Death!!!

Dimulai oleh Henz_Azthral, Oktober 21, 2010, 08:13:27 PM

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Numpang nanya ne...
PC gw koq sering tiba2 keluar blue screen?
Seringnya pas klik link download...
Katanya Physical Memory Dump...
Teruz setelah di-reset keluar log errornya:


Tuh kenapa ya? >:(


bukannya itu penyakit bawaan windows y ??? xxi ;D

gini, setauku tu physical memory dump itu proses perekaman memory yang crash..untuk keperluan debug selanjutnya.. (CMIIW)

terus yang menyebabkan blue sreen? wah bisa bermacam macam tuh, dari masalah software sampai hardware, bahkan hal2 sepele sekalipun seperti mencabut kabel USB (mungkin ada konslet yang terjadi), sampai masalah fatal di memory atau prosesor..


Coba copot mmorynya, dibersihkan lalu pasnag lagi. Kalau masih bermasalah, bisa jadi hardwarelain, termasuk hard disk yang bermasalah.


coba aja install ulang. biasanya virus kompie kadang-kadang nyebabin dump memory.. ato setidaknya coba reinstall program yang buat BOSD kompie.

insan sains

Kalo nggak beralih ke Linux ajah.. hahahaha.... *kidding* :D
Menuju Indonesia sebagai THE COUNTRY MASTER OF TECHNOLOGY, 2030


biasanya bsod keluar kalo: - Ada hardware yang terlalu panas sehingga tidak bekerja, - anda menginstal driver hardware yang tidak cocok, hanya itu yang saya tahu. kalo anda sebelum keluar bsod nginstall program coba restart terus coba ke save mode.

insan sains

Kalo si tante Wiki bilang begini :

KutipA stop error screen or bug check screen, commonly called a blue screen of death (also known as a BSoD, bluescreen, or "blue screen of doom"), is caused by a fatal system error and is the error screen displayed by the Microsoft Windows family of operating systems upon encountering a critical error, of a non-recoverable nature, that causes the system to "crash." The common expression blue screen of death comes from the color of the screen generated by the error.

Stop errors are usually hardware or driver related,[1] causing the computer to stop responding, whereupon, in the latest versions of Windows, the screen presents information for diagnostic purposes that was collected as the operating system performed a bug check.

A unique Blue Screen of Death with only one line of error code as seen in Windows Vista, which is an ACPI configuration-related error
If configured to do so, the computer will save all of its memory data to a disk file (known as a "dump file") for later retrieval, to assist in the analysis by an expert technician of the causes of the error.

The term Blue Screen of Death originated during development of the OS/2 operating system at Lattice Inc, the makers of an early Windows and OS/2 compiler. Developers encountered the Stop screen when bugs in the operating system's software (typically null pointers) slipped through the net during beta testing. In feedback to IBM, a company known informally as 'Big Blue', the developers humorously described the Stop screen as the 'Blue Screen of Death' in consequence of its color, of the association of that color with IBM, and of the finality of the error (which caused the computer to hang without any possibility of recovery, compelling a manual restart)

Kejadian paling populer mengenai BSoD adalah ketika Bill Gates mempresentasikan Windows 98 di COMDEX, 20 April 1998. Komputer yang digunakan untuk demonstrasi tiba-tiba crash dan menampilkan BSoD ketika asisten Bill Gates (Criss Caposella) menghubungkan scanner untuk memperagakan sistem Plug and Play-nya Windows 98.

Hal ini memancing tawa dan tepuk tangan dari penonton, dan kejadian ini amat mempermalukan Microsoft. Bill Gates sendiri saat itu berkata, "Pasti ini sebabnya kenapa kami belum menjual Windows 98".

Videonya pernah ada di youtube, bahkan live di CNN. Hahaha...
Menuju Indonesia sebagai THE COUNTRY MASTER OF TECHNOLOGY, 2030


Windows 98 sama pentium 2 memang duet maut BSoD. Mesin paling menyengsarakan sepanjang hidup saya.
Raffaaaaael, raffaaaaael, fiiii dunya la tadzikro. Rafaael. Fi dunya latadzikro bil hikmah, wa bil qiyad

Maa lahi bi robbi. Taaqi ilaa robbi. La taaqwa, in anfusakum minallaaahi.