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Jendela peredam suara

Dimulai oleh reborn, April 04, 2007, 06:08:02 PM

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Berita bagus buat yang tinggal di tempat2 bising kayak di cengkareng, pabrik atau di diskotik (kecuali sengaja mo ajep-ajep  :P). Ilmuwan dari Fraunhofer Institute for Structural Durability and System Reliability LBF dan Darmstadt University of Technology nemuin salah satu solusinya yaitu jendela yang bisa meredam suara ini (soundproof window).

[pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]

Kutip“Tests have shown that our windows are capable of lowering noise levels by an average of six decibels at frequencies between 50 and 1000 hertz. The perceived noise indoors is only half as loud,” says Dr. Thilo Bein, who manages the institute’s department of energy, environment and health. “We have even been able to reduce the volume of certain test signals by up to 15 decibels.” The experts have predicted a reduction of up to 10 dB for the engine noise of passenger aircraft in the frequency range below 1000 Hz.

Boleh juga keliatannya ya  ;D


When noise waves meet the walls of a building, they can be propagated to the interior by various routes. One is by causing the windows to vibrate, thus carrying the noise into the building. The other is by transmitting sound waves to the interior via the bridges in the structure where the curtain-wall elements are attached to the frame of the building. In both cases, the researchers have found a way to prevent the propagation of sound energy. Acceleration sensors attached to the window panes measure the vibrations generated by the noise. A thin chip of piezoelectric material also attached to the window counteracts the vibration by generating an oscillation at the same pitch but in the opposite sense to that measured by the sensor â€" causing the pane to move in the opposing direction.
hemm...btw...ada yang bisa ngejelasin bahasa manusianya..!?!?  ??? ??? ???
"Who controls the present now controls the past. Who controls the past now controls the future."-- RATM, 1999.


hmmm..kayanya sih sistem ini diperuntukkan untuk menghilangkan noise
kalo diliat2 dari adanya bahan piezoelectric sbg sensor ,cara kerjanya bagian luar dinding suatu gedung yg akan diproteksi dari bising akan dipasang panel yg bisa bergerak maju mundur, arah pergerakannya berbeda fasa phi supaya bisa menghilangkan gelombang suara yg datang,,gitu sih kayanya CMIIW :-X :-X :-X