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Deteksi Biomarker Kanker Dengan Smartphone

Dimulai oleh mukidi, Oktober 21, 2016, 09:46:53 PM

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Keren juga, bisa deteksi biomarker berbagai kanker. paru, prostat, payudara, dll. Akurasinya juga mirip hasil lab. Jadi sekarang ada lab deteksi kanker bisa taruh di kantong ya.

WSU portable smartphone laboratory detects cancer

Assistant professor Lei Li's research team has developed a low-cost portable laboratory on a smartphone that can analyze several samples at once to catch cancer biomarkers. The MME research team created an eight channel smartphone spectrometer that can detect human interleukin-6 (IL-6), a known biomarker for lung, prostate, liver, breast and epithelial cancers. A spectrometer analyzes the amount and type of chemicals in a sample by measuring the light spectrum.

The research team recently published the work in the journal Biosensors and Bioelectronics.

Although smartphone spectrometers exist, they only monitor or measure a single sample at a time, making them inefficient for real world applications. Li's multichannel spectrometer can measure up to eight different samples at once using a common test called ELISA, or colorimetric test enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, that identifies antibodies and color change as disease markers.

Although Li's group has only used the smartphone spectrometer with standard lab-controlled samples, their device has been up to 99 percent accurate. The researchers are now applying their portable spectrometer in real world situations.

"The spectrometer would be especially useful in clinics and hospitals that have a large number of samples without on-site labs, or for doctors who practice abroad or in remote areas," he said. "They can't carry a whole lab with them. They need a portable and efficient device."

Li's design works with an iPhone 5. He is creating an adjustable design that will be compatible with any smartphone.

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