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Dimulai oleh reborn, Februari 15, 2007, 03:08:06 AM

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lagi pengen bahas autis. Untuk sekarang seadanya dulu yahh, ntar saya coba cari-cari referensinya deh  ;) Tolong dikoreksi kalo ada yang salah.

Autis adalah keadaan di mana seseorang cenderung memiliki dunianya sendiri, tidak aware terhadap lingkungan. Cenderung asyik sendiri, tidak (mau) sadar akan lingkungannya, tidak berkomunikasi dengan orang lain (walau ada sebagian kecil yang bisa mengenali ibu atau ayahnya).

Seorang autis, yang juga dikenal dengan Kanner's syndrome, biasanya tertarik dengan benda mati dan itu-itu terus (gak bosen2) dan karena tidak berkomunikasi biasanya mengalami gangguan perkembangan bahasa. Autis biasanya mulai terlihat sejak kecil, kira2 3-4 tahun walau juga didapat pada orang dewasa (kalo ga salah  pernah baca :P)

Banyak metode yang dipakai saat ini untuk mengatasinya. Biasanya metode ini bertujuan untuk "memaksa" si anak untuk menyadari akan adanya orang lain. namun ternyata beberapa ahli menemukan seorang autis memiliki yang luar biasa pada bidang2 tertentu. Contohnya ada pelukis dari Indonesia (saya lupa juga namanya, kalo ada yang tau tolong bantu yah), kemudian denger dari seorang dosen ada seorang anak umur 8 tahun kini dibimbing oleh beberapa Guru Besar karena ternyata mampu menyelesaikan masalah yang setaraf pendidikan kuliah. Kemudian juga ada Cerdas Barus GM catur dari Indonesia.

Nah, contoh2 di atas memaksa kita berpikir apakah autisme itu sindrom atau berkah, sehingga beberapa orang mulai menyebut seorang autis adalah the chosen one  ;D Malah saya pernah membaca ada yang memberikan opini bahwa autis adalah satu bentuk evolusi pada manusia  :o .... jangan dulu dikomentari yang ini... hanya opini kok itu  :P

jadi di sini kita mau bahas apa itu autis, syndrome atau berkah, bagaimana menghadapinya.

... bersambung


duh, gak sempet ngapa2in hari ini, termasuk update thread ini. Ini link2 bagus tentang autis :

[pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]
Isinya tentang perempuan autis. kehidupan sehari-harinya, kesulitan yang dihadapi dia dan orang2 terdekatnya... seperti judul situsnya Autism : Getting the truth out.

[pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]
Tentang Asperger's Disorder , variant yang relatif lebih ringan dari autis.

[pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]
Ini artikel tentang salah satu kemampuan yang luar biasa dari seorang autis.

KutipAre you capable of multiplying 147,631,789 by 23,674 in your head, instantly? Physicist Allan Snyder says you probably can, based on his new theory about the origin of the extraordinary skills of autistic savants

Personal opinion : Gw ngerasa autis itu bukan cacat atau disability lho, entah kenapa gw percaya autis itu gifted. Misalnya begini, soal anjing lagi hehe... gw ada anjing mini pincher, nah kaki belakangnya cacat dari kecil. Sebagai kompensasinya kaki depannya itu jauh lebih kuat dari kebanyakan anjing (tipe dia). Seperti halnya dengan autis, karena dia memiliki kekurangan dalam banyak hal seperti panca indera, emosi, rasa sosial, gak sibuk mikir orang lain, dll... kompensasinya adalah dia punya waktu lebih banyak untuk suatu hal, yang dia senangi (inget kalo autis seperti orang obsesif kompulsif, terus menerus melakukan hal yang sama) pada akhirnya dia akan luar biasa hebat pada satu bidang.

[pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]
dari nama domainnya harus dah tau yahh isinya  ;D

Sekilas tentang autis bisa liat di :

[pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]
[pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]

Entar diupdate lagi yahh :)


[pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- In the most extensive findings to date on the genetics of autism, scientists have pinpointed two new genetic links that may predispose children to develop the complex brain disorder.

The five-year study, led by an international consortium of researchers from 19 nations, indicated autism had numerous genetic origins rather than a single or a few primary causes.

The researchers scoured DNA samples from 1,168 families with two or more children with autism, and used "gene chip" technology to detect genetic similarities. They also looked for tiny insertions and deletions of genetic material that could play a role in autism.

The scientists hope that nailing down the genetics of autism will lead to better ways to diagnose it and focus efforts on developing drugs to treat it. They announced they are launching a new phase in the research to map genes responsible for autism.

The study incriminated a gene called neurexin 1 involved with glutamate, a brain chemical previously implicated in autism that plays a role in early brain development, as a possible susceptibility gene for autism. A previously unidentified region of chromosome 11 also was implicated.

Autism is a spectrum of disorders apparently stemming from genetic and environmental causes. Geneticist Stephen Scherer of the University of Toronto, Canada, and the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto said 90 percent of autism may have a genetic basis.

"What we have now that we didn't really have before is a pretty decent understanding of what the genetic architecture is looking like in the autism genome," said Scherer, who worked on the study published in the journal Nature Genetics.
Childhood disorder

Autistic children have problems with social interaction and verbal and nonverbal communication, as well as repetitive behaviors such as rocking and twirling or narrow and obsessive interests. These behaviors can vary in severity from mild to disabling.

Autism appears in early childhood, often as young as age 2 or 3, and affects four times as many boys as girls.

"It's such a perplexing issue and it's so serious for the children," said University of Pittsburgh researcher Bernie Devlin, who helped lead the study.

Some advocacy groups believe too little attention is given to environmental factors they believe may contribute to autism, like mercury.

A problem in autism research has been that some studies have been based on data from relatively few people. In this study, more than 120 researchers from Europe and North America pooled efforts and expanded the number of people studied.

"Most researchers tend to work in their own world, collect their own set of families to study genetic disorders, and not share," said Rita Cantor, a University of California-Los Angeles geneticist involved in the study.

U.S. federal health experts this month called autism an urgent public health concern that is more common than previously estimated. They said it affects about one in 150 U.S. children.

The research was funded by the nonprofit group Autism Speaks and the U.S. National Institutes of Health.

"I think the most important thing that the study shows is that the genetic causes of autism are likely to be varied," said Andy Shih, chief science officer for Autism Speaks. "The genetic mechanism involved is probably not uniform."


Pernah ngobrol sama temen. Kemungkinan autis itu karena logam berat terutama merkuri dan timbal. Merkuri ini sering dipake dalam vaksin. Tapi detilnya dia juga gak jelas. Terus barusan iseng cek bulk mail, eh ada email dari milis persis tentang ini. Gak jelas juga sih, ntar coba cari2 lagi ;D

KutipVaksin penyebab Autis

Buat para Pasangan MUDA. om dan tante yg punya keponakan... atau bahkan calon ibu ... perlu nih dibaca ttg autisme.. Bisa di share kepada yang masih punya anak kecil supaya ber-hati2........ Setelah kesibukan yang menyita waktu, baru sekarang saya bisa dapat waktu luang membaca buku "Children with Starving Brains" karangan Jaquelyn McCandless,MD yang diterjemahkan dan diterbitkan oleh Grasindo.

Ternyata buku yang saya beli di toko buku Gramedia seharga Rp. 50,000,- itu benar-benar membuka mata saya, dan sayang, sayang sekali baru terbit setelah anak saya Joey (27 bln) didiagnosa mengidap Autisme Spectrum Disorder.

Bagian satu, bab 3, dari buku itu benar-benar membuat saya menangis. Selama 6 bulan pertama hidupnya (Agustus 2001 -
Februari 2002), Joey memperoleh 3 kali suntikan vaksin Hepatitis B, dan 3 kali suntikan vaksin HiB. Menurut buku tersebut (halaman 54 - 55) ternyata dua macam vaksin yang diterima anak saya dalam 6 bulan pertama hidupnya itu positif mengandung zat pengawet Thimerosal, yang terdiri dari Etilmerkuri yang menjadi penyebab utama sindrom Autisme Spectrum Disorder yang meledak pada sejak awal tahun 1990 an. Vaksin yang mengandung Thimerosal itu sendiri sudah dilarang di Amerika sejak akir tahun 2001.Alangkah sedihnya saya, anak yang saya tunggu kehadirannya selama 6 tahun, dilahirkan dan divaksinasi di sebuah rumahsakit besar yang bagus, terkenal, dan mahal di Karawaci Tangerang, dengan harapan memperoleh treatment yang terbaik, ternyata malah "diracuni" oleh Mercuri dengan selubung vaksinasi. Beruntung saya masih bisa memberi ASI sampai sekarang, sehingga Joey tidak menderita Autisme yang parah. Tetapi tetap saja, sampai sekarang dia belum bicara, harus diet pantang gluten dan casein, harus terapi ABA, Okupasi, dan nampaknya harus dibarengi dengan diet supplemen yang keseluruhannya sangat besar biayanya.Melalui e-mail ini saya hanya ingin menghimbau para dokter anak di Indonesia, para pejabat di Departemen Kesehatan, tolonglah baca buku tersebut diatas itu, dan tolong musnahkan semua vaksin yang masih mengandung Thimerosal. Jangan sampai (dan bukan tidak mungkin sudah terjadi) sisa stok yang tidak habis di Amerika Serikat tersebut diekspor dengan harga murah ke Indonesia dan dikampanyekan sampai ke puskesmas-puskesmas seperti contohnya vaksin Hepatitis B, yang sekarang sedang giat-giatnya dikampanyekan sampai ke pedesaan. Kepada para orang tua dan calon orang tua, marilah kita bersikap proaktif, dan assertif dengan menolak vaksin yang mengandung Thimerosal tersebut, cobalah bernegosiasi dengan dokter anak kita, minta vaksin Hepatitis B dan HiB yang tidak mengandung Thimerosal.

Juga tolong e-mail ini diteruskan kepada mereka yang akan menjadi orang tua, agar tidak mengalami nasib yang sama seperti saya. Sekali lagi, jangan sampai kita kehilangan satu generasi anak-anak penerus bangsa, apalagi jika mereka datang dari keluarga yang berpenghasilan rendah yang untuk makan saja sulit apalagi untuk membiayai biaya terapi supplemen, terapi ABA, Okupasi, dokter ahli Autisme (yang daftar tunggunya sampai berbulan-bulan), yang besarnya sampai jutaaan Rupiah perbulannya.

Terakhir, mohon doanya untuk Joey dan ratusan, bahkan ribuan teman- teman senasibnya di Indonesia yang sekarang sedang berjuang membebaskan diri dari belenggu Autisme.


KutipVaksin penyebab Autis

eh ini masa betul sih? ... kok aneh? vaksin hepatitis B kita masa beda dg vaksin yg dipake di luar? ... kadang berita2 dr email kaya gini suka nggak bener jg lho ... mesti dicek dulu nih
Free software [knowledge] is a matter of liberty, not price. To understand the concept, you should think of 'free' as in 'free speech', not as in 'free beer'. (fsf)


Kutipbaru sekarang saya bisa dapat waktu luang membaca buku "Children with Starving Brains" karangan Jaquelyn McCandless,MD yang diterjemahkan dan diterbitkan oleh Grasindo.

buku itu sih yg patut dicurigai berarti :P oya, dari cerita temen itu juga di RS di jakarta salah satu terapinya dgn diet, gak boleh makan makanan yg ada bahan pengawet. Katanya autis berhubungan dgn nutrisi ini. Dia juga gak tau pasti sih, apalagi gw yg dijelasin ;D


Memang sempat ada kontroversi di US sekitar th. 1999 ttg penggunaan pengawet thiomersal / thimerosal di vaksin (dan gak heran jg banyak buku ditulis tentang ini).
Sejak itu, berbagai penelitian sdh dilakukan, tapi sampai sekarang belum ada bukti positif bahwa thiomersal dlm vaksin ini benar2 menyebabkan autism. Review tentang ini a.l. di:

Doja A, Roberts W. Immunizations and autism: a review of the literature. Can J Neurol Sci. 2006 Nov;33(4):341-6.

Because of a temporal correlation between the first notable signs and symptoms of autism and the routine childhood vaccination schedule, many parents have become increasingly concerned regarding the possible etiologic role vaccines may play in the development of autism. In particular, some have suggested an association between the Measles-Mumps-Rubella vaccine and autism. Our literature review found very few studies supporting this theory, with the overwhelming majority showing no causal association between the Measles-Mumps-Rubella vaccine and autism. The vaccine preservative thimerosal has alternatively been hypothesized to have a possible causal role in autism. Again, no convincing evidence was found to support this claim, nor for the use of chelation therapy in autism.

Thiomersal memang turunan ethyl mercury dan sangat toksik. Tapi dosis yg digunakan dalam vaksin sangat kecil, tidak sampai 0.02% dosis letalnya. Sebaliknya, tanpa pengawet thiomersal ini, vaksin sangat rentan terkontaminasi bakteri yg malah berbahaya dan bisa mengakibatkan kematian bayi.

Gara2 kontroversi tsb. di negara2 maju kemudian diproduksi vaksin kemasan single-dose yg memungkinkan mrk tidak menggunakan bahan pengawet. Tapi vaksin single-dose ini mahal, o.k.i. di negara2 berkembang masih menggunakan vaksin multiple-dose yg mau nggak mau harus menggunakan pengawet. WHO sendiri masih menjalankan kebijakan vaksinasi dg vaksin mengandung thiomersal:

KutipIn 1999, concerns were raised in the United States of America about exposure to mercury in vaccines. This was based on the realization that the cumulative amount of mercury in the infant immunization schedule potentially exceeded the recommended threshold set by one of the United States government agencies for methyl mercury. [Note: methyl mercury = sumber keracunan merkuri dr ikan]
However thiomersal, the preservative in some vaccines, contains ethyl mercury and not methyl mercury. The Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety (GACVS) first assessed this issue in a special meeting in August 2000 and continues to review the safety aspect of thiomersal-containing vaccines as new evidence emerges. In the latest review by the committee (at its meeting of 6-7 June 2006) the conclusion previously reached was reaffirmed that there is no evidence of toxicity in infants, children or adults exposed to thiomersal in vaccines.

Link lain:

Mudah2-an aja ada bukti2 yg lebih kuat yg bisa lebih memastikan bahaya ethyl merkury / thimerosal ini.

Mercury in the thimerosal molecule is in the form of ethyl mercury (CH3CH2-Hg+), for which there is limited toxicologic information. Thus, estimates of health risks from thimerosal in vaccines were based on the assumption that ethyl mercury is
toxicologically similar to its close chemical relative, methyl mercury (CH3â€"Hg+), about which much is known.

Generally, a broad research agenda is needed to develop the toxicology of thimerosal, given the paucity of our current information. Studies should be directed to test the assumption that the toxicology of thimerosal is similar to that of methyl mercury, given the fact the current estimates of human health risks, in particular in infants receiving vaccines, are based on this assumption.

The immediate tissue disposition of mercury following a dose of thimerosal appears to be both qualitatively and quantitatively similar to that of methyl mercury, as discussed in this review. However, such limited evidence as now exists suggests that the rate of conversion of ethyl mercury to inorganic and, subsequently, the rate of excretion are more rapid, perhaps substantially so, compared with methyl mercury. Data on the biologic half-time of the ethyl mercury radical in body tissues, especially the brain, are essential for estimates of tissues burdens and health risk from cumulative exposure from repeated doses of thimerosal in vaccines given to infants. Such information needs to be gathered both during and after the suckling period.
Thimerosal also differs from methyl mercury in that it causes kidney damage at about the same doses that damage the nervous system. Experimental evidence indicated that damage to the nervous system is caused by the intact organomercurial radical, whether methyl or ethyl. However, inorganic mercury released from ethyl mercury may be the proximate toxic agent for kidney damage. Indeed, the suspected greater rate of release from ethyl mercury may explain why kidney damage, if any, occurs only at the later stages of intoxication from methyl mercury. Thus, comparative tests of methyl and ethyl mercury
should include the renalâ€"cardiovascular system as well as the nervous system in developing animals.

Clarkson TW. The three modern faces of mercury. Environ Health Perspect. 2002 Feb;110 Suppl 1:11-23
Free software [knowledge] is a matter of liberty, not price. To understand the concept, you should think of 'free' as in 'free speech', not as in 'free beer'. (fsf)


Lanjut ngomongin autis  ;D

[pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]

ASD bisa dibedain atas dua tipe low functioning dan high functioning autism. Asperger Syndrome termasuk high functioning autism. Penderita Asperger Syndrome biasanya memiliki kecerdasan sama atau lebih dari manusia pada umumnya (IQ > 85). Penderita asperger syndrome biasanya dapat hidup mandiri saat mereka dewasa. Bahkan mereka secara umum sama seperti manusia normal lainnya hanya saja dengan beberapa perilaku "aneh". Mereka sangat cuek tapi masih dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik, kadang malah monolog, ngomong terus gak bisa diputus  ;D Penderita Asperger syndrome dapat menjadi orang yang produktif dan berhasil, hanya mungkin gak ditempatkan di tempat yang butuh banyak interaksi sosial (makanya masuk ke kategori autis, karena ketidakmampuannya berinteraksi ini).

Berikut adalah kriteria menurut DSM IV :

A. Qualitative impairment in social interaction, as manifested by at least two of the following:

   1. marked impairments in the use of multiple nonverbal behaviors such as eye-to-eye gaze, facial expression, body postures, and gestures to regulate social interaction
   2. failure to develop peer relationships appropriate to developmental level
   3. a lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyment, interests, or achievements with other people (e.g. by a lack of showing, bringing, or pointing out objects of interest to other people)
   4. lack of social or emotional reciprocity

B. Restricted repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests, and activities, as manifested by at least one of the following:

   1. encompassing preoccupation with one or more stereotyped and restricted patterns of interest that is abnormal either in intensity or focus
   2. apparently inflexible adherence to specific, nonfunctional routines or rituals
   3. stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms (e.g., hand or finger flapping or twisting, or complex whole-body movements)
   4. persistent preoccupation with parts of objects

C. The disturbance causes clinically significant impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning

D. There is no clinically significant general delay in language (e.g., single words used by age 2 years, communicative phrases used by age 3 years)

E. There is no clinically significant delay in cognitive development or in the development of age-appropriate self-help skills, adaptive behavior (other than social interaction), and curiosity about the environment in childhood

F. Criteria are not met for another specific Pervasive Developmental Disorder or Schizophrenia

Persons afflicted with asperger syndrome are in fact regarded as normal person barring few odd behaviour. They are usually regarded as aloof, but communicate in a normal way showing interests towards few special areas and engage in uninterruptible monologue on such interested topics. Asperger syndrome affected persons can lead a productive and gleaming life provided they are not put in a circumstance that may need social interaction.

Ini beberapa artikel lain :

- [pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]   ??? aneh

- [pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]

- [pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]

- [pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]

- [pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]

- [pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]

Ada semacem tes gitu nih, gak tau reliable apa ga. Mo coba  ;D

Researchers at Cambridge University's Autism Research Centre developed this questionnaire to measure autistic traits in adults. Higher scores indicate greater autistic tendencies.

[pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]

Psychologist Simon Baron-Cohen and his colleagues at Cambridge's Autism Research Centre have created the Autism-Spectrum Quotient, or AQ, as a measure of the extent of autistic traits in adults. In the first major trial using the test, the average score in the control group was 16.4. Eighty percent of those diagnosed with autism or a related disorder scored 32 or higher. The test is not a means for making a diagnosis, however, and many who score above 32 and even meet the diagnostic criteria for mild autism or Asperger's report no difficulty functioning in their everyday lives.

[pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]

Nah ini yang menarik [pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.] : An Asperger’s Love Story  ;D Novel tentang Jerry Newport and Mary Newport, dua2nya Aspie... who fall in love at first sight. Ada filmnya juga katanya... kalo ini kayaknya musti nonton nih  ;D

Sekarang masuk ke opini  :P

Coba baca  [pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.].

Kutip...Regardless of the number of autistic kids sitting in their waiting rooms, doctors are satisfied that it's all due to their keener sense of observation.

KutipOn ABC,s 20/20 on February 23rd, Dr Paul Offit, chief of infectious diseases at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, explained that the increase in autism is due to the fact that "people that we once called quirky or geeky or nerdy are now called autistic."

KutipTwo months ago, Raquel Eatmon, at CBS 11 News in Fort Worth reported, "According to the Texas Education Agency over the last five years autism has nearly doubled from 8,972 to 17,282. Some researchers insist the numbers are higher."

In New Jersey they spent $3 billion on special education last year. New Jersey also reported a 30-fold increase in autism since 1991, with 7,400 students now diagnosed as autistic.

KutipHe called autism, "a medical crisis," and said, "Twenty-five years ago, the incidence of autism was 1 in 10,000."

Remember polio? At the height of the polio epidemic in the 1950s, the disease affected one in 3,000 Americans. Polio was a health care emergency. A massive effort was made to address it. Not so with autism. Amazingly, the CDC isn't sounding an alarm over the autism numbers.

KutipRegardless of the hoopla over the new CDC autism rate being presented in the press, it changes nothing. While news coverage makes this seem like officials are addressing autism, it doesn't impress parents.

The 2007 CDC Autism Study does nothing to help our kids. In the long run, worthless efforts like this will destroy the credibility of this agency because they simply can't explain the numbers.

Dr. Kenneth Stoller of Santa Fe, NM, a pediatrician who treats mercury toxic children and uses hyperbaric oxygen therapy summed up the reality of the autism crisis:

Despite all the official denials.....there is just one little problem.....the autistic kids keep on coming, and coming and coming. They will bankrupt school systems, public services, and social services.

No, autistic children haven't always been with us or called something else any more than the toxins that are causing this environmental neurological disorder have always been with us in such great amounts.

[pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]

Hehe... lucu emang yahh. Sibuk ngurus "numbers". fighting against numbers  :o Bukannya cari cara how to find ways for autists to make their life more comfortable. Ah politik...  :P



thanks haris utk situsnya ... di yogya ya terapisnya itu  ;D baru dari sana nih  ;D

tapi ada yg bikin bingung, itu emang benar2 terbukti ya keberhasilannya?

soal perendaman kaki dg larutan kristal neurotransmitter itu sih, mudah2an aq ngga salah pertanyaan nih ... absorpsi neurotransmitter ke darah (bener lewat darah kan?) apa ya bisa efektif dg cara perendaman begitu? trus dari darah berapa persen yg menembus blood brain barrier ke neuron otak?

kalo emang efektif, berarti mestinya metode ini mungkin juga bisa efektif utk penyakit2 neurodegeneratif juga dong, soalnya di penyakit2 itu kan juga ada ketidakseimbangan neurotransmitter2 ttt.

kalo tentang gelombang elektromagnetik, angkat tangan deh ... tante tyd mana yaa  ::)
Free software [knowledge] is a matter of liberty, not price. To understand the concept, you should think of 'free' as in 'free speech', not as in 'free beer'. (fsf)


Kutip dari: haris pada Mei 02, 2007, 10:27:38 PM

situs autis terapi terbaik dan bisa dibuktikan

Hmm..... kata2 "terbaik" ini malah yang bikin saya jadi agak ragu. Bisa dijelasin gak yahh kenapa terapi ini yang terbaik?


Sejak kelas X lalu, aku sering se-angkot ama ibuk2 yang kerjanya di tempat terapi autisme. Dan aku setuju nih sama Om Reborn, buat aku Tuhan Maha Adil, mungkin dia bisa kasih kekurangan ama kita (dalam hal ini autisme) tapi, Tuhan juga kasih kepekaan yang lebih kuat sama orang itu!
Mau Belajal Yang Pintel Bial Jadi Doktel Hewan Yang Ashoi


da yg pny info ttg autis g? klu da,mhn infony...trmksh...


q coba buka situsnya tp g bs...