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Ilmu Terapan => Kesehatan => Topik dimulai oleh: Makes pada Juli 08, 2016, 09:04:40 AM

Judul: Dokumenter Video Dokter Venny Nyotowijoyo
Ditulis oleh: Makes pada Juli 08, 2016, 09:04:40 AM
  Pada bulan Desember 2011 , pasien mulai menyadari adanya benjolan di payudara sebelah kiri sebesar 2 cm

  From December 2011, this patient found that there was a 2cm lump in her left breast.

  Tetapi ia tidak terlalu mempedulikannya

  But she did not care.

  Lalu benjolan tersebut semakin membesar

  Then the lump was growing.

  Ia melakukan pemeriksaan medis di RS setempat

  She took an inspection in local hospital.

  Dan terdiagnosa kanker payudara

  She was diagnosed with breast cancer.

  Pada Mei 2013, ia datang ke St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou

  In May 2013, she went to our hospital(St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou).

  Sewaktu datang, benjolannya sudah sebesar kurang lebih 15 cm

  Dan bernanahWhen she came here, the lump was about 15cm and was ulcerated.

  Kemudian setelah datang ke sini, ia menjalani metode Jieru (Intervensi)

  Kemudian operasiShe took interventional therapy here and surgery.

  Setelah operasi, dilanjutkan lagi dengan Jieru (Intervensi) dan Imunoterapi

  After taking surgery, she went on taking interventional therapy and biological immunotherapy.

  Setelah melakukan seluruh proses pengobatan, benjolannya kini sudah menghilang

  The lump was gone when she finished receiving the therapies.

  Melalui beberapa kali pemeriksaan ulang, tidak ditemukan adanya kekambuhan

  She took return checks few times and there was no sign of recurrence.

  Kondisi pasien saat ini sangat baik

  Ia sudah bisa kembali hidup normal seperti sebelumnya

  Now the patient's condition is good and leads a normal life.

  Pengobatan yang dijalaninya sangat efektif

  Ia sudah mencapai secara klinis

  The efficacy is good and she has reached clinical effect. .

      Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, atau bantuan, hubungi: 085211194878

Judul: Re:Dokumenter Video Dokter Venny Nyotowijoyo
Ditulis oleh: Makes pada Juli 08, 2016, 10:26:59 AM
  Pada bulan Desember 2011 , pasien mulai menyadari adanya benjolan di payudara sebelah kiri sebesar 2 cm

  From December 2011, this patient found that there was a 2cm lump in her left breast.

  Tetapi ia tidak terlalu mempedulikannya

  But she did not care.

  Lalu benjolan tersebut semakin membesar

  Then the lump was growing.

  Ia melakukan pemeriksaan medis di RS setempat

  She took an inspection in local hospital.

  Dan terdiagnosa kanker payudara

  She was diagnosed with breast cancer.

  Pada Mei 2013, ia datang ke St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou

  In May 2013, she went to our hospital(St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou).

  Sewaktu datang, benjolannya sudah sebesar kurang lebih 15 cm dan bernanah.

  When she came here, the lump was about 15cm and was ulcerated.

  Kemudian setelah datang ke sini, ia menjalani metode Jieru (Intervensi) dan kemudian operasi.

  She took interventional therapy here and surgery.

  Setelah operasi, dilanjutkan lagi dengan Jieru (Intervensi) dan Imunoterapi

  After taking surgery, she went on taking interventional therapy and biological immunotherapy.

  Setelah melakukan seluruh proses pengobatan, benjolannya kini sudah menghilang

  The lump was gone when she finished receiving the therapies.

  Melalui beberapa kali pemeriksaan ulang, tidak ditemukan adanya kekambuhan

  She took return checks few times and there was no sign of recurrence.

  Kondisi pasien saat ini sangat baik

  Ia sudah bisa kembali hidup normal seperti sebelumnya

  Now the patient's condition is good and leads a normal life.

  Pengobatan yang dijalaninya sangat efektif

  Ia sudah mencapai secara klinis

  The efficacy is good and she has reached clinical effect. .