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Pemakaian Ponsel dan Kesehatan

Dimulai oleh syx, Maret 05, 2011, 09:42:31 AM

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Beberapa waktu lalu FDA pernah mengumumkan bahwa pemakaian ponsel aman untuk kesehatan. Penelitian terbaru yang diinformasikan dalam Journal of the American Medical Association 23 Februari 2011 lalu menunjukkan bahwa pemakaian ponsel sekitar 50 menit dapat mempengaruhi metabolisme glukosa otak pada daerah yang terdekat dengan antena ponsel. Para peneliti menggunakan PET selama pemakaian HP dan menemukan bahwa meskipun secara keseluruhan metabolisme otak tidak dipengaruhi, tetapi ditemukan peningkatan metabolisme pada area orbitofrontal cortex dan temporal pole otak saat HP diaktifkan, area yang dekat dengan antena ponsel saat ditempelkan ke kepala.

Ketua peneliti, Nora D. Volkow, MD, dari National Institute on Drug Abuse di Bethesda, Maryland menyebutkan bahwa mereka belum tahu signifikansi klinis dari temuan ini, baik efek positif (terapi) atau pun negatif dari paparan ponsel. Untuk amannya, beliau menyarankan penggunaan perangkat hands-free atau speaker-phone mode untuk menghindari kontak langsung ponsel dengan kepala. Penelitian sebelumnya menyebutkan bahwa jarak ponsel 1 kaki ato lebih tidak memberikan efek. Perhatian lebih perlu diberikan pada anak atau remaja yang jaringan neuralnya masih dalam pengembangan.

nate river

hmmm....saya sudah terbiasa menggunakan handsfree sejak awal penggunaan HP....
tapi kebiasaan mengantongi HP masih belum bisa dirubah.....
hidup itu seperti asimtot...
meski mustahil mencapai titik kesempurnaan, tapi kita akan selalu berusaha mendekati kesempurnaan....


Sudah banyak yang meneliti,  penggunaan HP meningkatkan resiko kena tumor otak.............


gmn kl taruh hp dikantog celana atau saku kemeja?
sy permpuan .. bhya tuh kyknya ..
mksh buat infonya ,,


Pemakaian ponsel lebih berbahaya dari merokok.   Resikonya bukan hanya berkaitan dengan tumor otak saja,  ada lainnya.

[pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]

Huriah M Putra

Kutip dari: semut-ireng pada Maret 06, 2011, 08:23:38 AM
Sudah banyak yang meneliti,  penggunaan HP meningkatkan resiko kena tumor otak.............
Dikatakan itu terjadi pada HP jaman doeloe..
HP jaman sekarang sudah minim radiasi jadi sudah meminimalisir resiko kanker otak.
[move]OOT OOT OOT..!!![/move]


Kutip dari: Huriah M Putra pada Maret 06, 2011, 05:59:37 PM
Dikatakan itu terjadi pada HP jaman doeloe..
HP jaman sekarang sudah minim radiasi jadi sudah meminimalisir resiko kanker otak.

Yang ngomong itu pasti orang jaman doeloe,  hehehe......

Memangnya ada HP minim radiasi segala,  gimana ya tekniknya ?

Huriah M Putra

Ups saya lupa sapa yang balas..
Gak jadi ah.
[move]OOT OOT OOT..!!![/move]


Masa ama teman sendiri lupa,  udah kebanyakan terpapar radiasi ya,  hehehe.....

Udah terima undangan workshop kan ?  hadir yah,  entar tanya soal ji-sam-su dan kaitannya dengan ponsel segala, ...............................

Bukan soal kontak langsung dengan kepala sih kayaknya,  tergantung tempat memakainya juga,  ada interferensi dengan paparan radiasi lainnya.


Kutip dari: nate river pada Maret 05, 2011, 11:55:07 PM
hmmm....saya sudah terbiasa menggunakan handsfree sejak awal penggunaan HP....
tapi kebiasaan mengantongi HP masih belum bisa dirubah.....
kalo masalah kantong blom dibahas... ini cuma berdasarkan hasil penelitian terhadap otak dan efeknya apakah negatif ato positif blom diketahui pasti. jadi blom tentu efeknya negatif, siapa tau malah bikin pinter dan ga gampang lupa. tapi untuk amannya sebaiknya dihindari dulu sampe ada hasil riset berikutnya.

Kutip dari: semut-ireng pada Maret 06, 2011, 08:23:38 AM
Sudah banyak yang meneliti,  penggunaan HP meningkatkan resiko kena tumor otak.............
FDA justru menyangkal hal ini. lihat aja di [pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]
sekali lagi riset di atas blom menentukan efek negatif ato positif dari paparan radiasi ponsel. hanya menunjukkan bahwa ada bagian yang terpengaruh.

Kutip dari: semut-ireng pada Maret 06, 2011, 05:28:30 PM
Pemakaian ponsel lebih berbahaya dari merokok. Resikonya bukan hanya berkaitan dengan tumor otak saja, ada lainnya.
[pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]
emang ponsel lebih berbahaya dari rokok kalo dibakar. kalo ga salah batere ponsel bisa meletup kalo kena panas berlebih saat pembakaran.


Researchers in Tokyo have reported that they too found more of these tumors of the acoustic nerve among long-term cell phone users.   Those who used cell phones for more than 20 minutes a day for at least five years had three times more acoustic neuromas than expected. The Japanese team also saw a strong suggestion of a dose-response relationship: The longer people used cell phones —both in terms of minutes of daily calls and years of use— the greater their risk.
( 1 Desember 2010 )

Berkaitan dengan resiko kena tumor jinak / acoustic neuroma bisa dibaca di link di bawah ini :

[pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]


nah, akhirnya WHO ikut bicara:

Cell Phones Possibly Carcinogenic, WHO Says

May 31, 2011 — The World Health Organization (WHO) announced today that radiation from cell phones can possibly cause cancer. According to the WHO's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), radiofrequency electromagnetic fields have been classified as possibly carcinogenic to humans (group 2B) on the basis of an increased risk for glioma that some studies have associated with the use of wireless phones.

This announcement was based on an extensive review of studies on cell phone safety by a working group of 31 scientists from 14 countries, who have been meeting regularly to evaluate the potential carcinogenic hazards from exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields. They reviewed exposure data, studies of cancer in humans and experimental animal models, and other relevant data.

More specifically, the IARC Monograph Working Group discussed and evaluated literature that included several exposure categories involving radiofrequency electromagnetic fields:

    Occupational exposures to radar and to microwaves;
    Environmental exposures associated with transmission of signals for radio, television, and wireless telecommunication; and
    Personal exposures associated with the use of wireless telephones.

"Given the potential consequences for public health of this classification and findings," said IARC Director Christopher Wild, PhD, in a news release, "it is important that additional research be conducted into the long-term, heavy use of mobile phones. Pending the availability of such information, it is important to take pragmatic measures to reduce exposure such as hands-free devices or texting."

Inconsistent Data and Opinions

Cellular telephones have become an integral part of everyday life, and the number of users is estimated at 5 billion globally. However, as previously reported by Medscape Medical News, there has been growing concern over possible health risks associated with the use of cell phones. In particular, some data have suggested that their use, especially over the long term, represent a "significant" risk for brain tumors.

But study results have been inconsistent, although some European countries have taken precautionary measures aimed specifically at children.

Some of the strongest evidence supporting a link between brain tumors and cell phone use comes from a series of Swedish studies, led by Lennart Hardell, MD, PhD, from the Department of Oncology, Orebro Medical Center. These studies showed that risk increased with the number of cumulative hours of use, higher radiated power, and length of cell phone use. They also reported that younger users had a higher risk. (Int J Oncol. 2006;28:509-518; Int Arch Occup Environ Health. 2006;79:630-639; Arch Environ Health. 2004;59:132-137; Pathophysiology. 2009;16:113-122).

The issue of cell phone safety was to have been settled once and for all by the huge 13-nation industry-funded Interphone study. But to date, the industry-funded Interphone studies found no increased risk for brain tumors from cell phone use, with only 4 exceptions. The findings contradicted the Swedish studies, which were independent of industry funding.

Consistent with the literature, there is no consensus among physicians and scientists about the severity of risk, or if one even exists. One issue in attempting to evaluate the potential connection between brain tumors and cell phone use is the relatively short period of time that these devices have been heavily used in a large population and the long latency period for many tumors.

The National Cancer Institute, for example, has stated that although a consistent link has not been established between cell phone use and cancer, "scientists feel that additional research is needed before firm conclusions can be drawn." In a similar fashion, the American Cancer Society points out that even though the weight of the evidence has shown no association between cell phone use and brain cancer, information on the potential health effects of very long-term use, or use in children, is simply not available.

Evidence Strong Enough

The WHO established the International Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) Project in 1996, in response to public and governmental concern, with the goal of evaluating the possibility of adverse health effects from electromagnetic fields. In a press release issued last year, the WHO stated that it would conduct a formal health risk assessment of radiofrequency fields exposure by 2012, but in the interim, the IARC would review the carcinogenic potential of mobile phones this year.

Jonathan Samet, MD, chairman of the working group, notes that "the evidence, while still accumulating, is strong enough to support a conclusion and the 2B classification.

"The conclusion means that there could be some risk, and therefore we need to keep a close watch for a link between cell phones and cancer risk," he said in a news release.

A full report summarizing the main conclusions and evaluations of the IARC Working Group is slated to be published online soon in The Lancet Oncology and in print in its July 1 issue.

Takagi Fujimaru

Hmm... Sel kanker itu sel yang membelahnya abnormal kan? Kalo metabolisme tinggi, pembelahan sel juga bisa makin cepet ga? Kalo bisa, berarti lama2 bisa jadi sel kanker? hmmmmm....
Belajar itu buat cari ilmu, bukan cari nilai.


[pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]

Inilah penelitian yang dikonduksikan yang diwartakan oleh dailyscience. Penelitian ini dipublikasikan tahun 2002 setelah selama 3 tahun mengujicobakan tikus yang setiap hari dipapar oleh radiasi gelombang radio dari ponsel jaman dulu, tahu sendiri kan kekuatan ponsel jaman dulu radiasinya. Jadi bisa disimpulkan aman.
Raffaaaaael, raffaaaaael, fiiii dunya la tadzikro. Rafaael. Fi dunya latadzikro bil hikmah, wa bil qiyad

Maa lahi bi robbi. Taaqi ilaa robbi. La taaqwa, in anfusakum minallaaahi.


wah, taon 2002? mending liat informasi seblomnya yang lebih baru deh...