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Sindrom Aneh

Dimulai oleh raisuien, Februari 03, 2010, 10:32:11 AM

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How to Get Rid of Aquagenic Pruritus

The most effective treatment of the aquagenic pruritus involves the desensitization of the skin through phototherapy. The following are a few tips on treating the bathing itch:

  1. Though most antihistamines are ineffective in aquagenic pruritus, a combination of long acting antihistamines like Cetrizine 10 mg and short acting antihistamines like Cyproheptadine 4 mg is useful in reducing the intensity of the itching in the water induced pruritus.
  2. Before bath, apply an oil based emollient lotion to your body, face, and limbs. This will reduce water coming in direct contact with the skin and will reduce the intensity of itching.
  3. If itching occurs, in addition to the antihistamine combination above, apply Capsaicin cream to the skin, immediately after the bath.
  4. Avoid forcible showers, hot water or prolonged stay in the pool. Use the pool and bath water when it is at body temperature. Those who have cold urticaria or itching following cold exposure will feel better with warm water bath and increased itching following contact with cold water.
  5. Use only cotton dresses, cotton sheets and cotton quilts on your bed. Any contact with synthetic dresses, woolen blankets etc will increase the tendency to itch.
  6. Avoid alcohol, coffee, hot, spicy, fried fast foods. Drink lots of fresh fruit juices (except mango) and eat more vegetables.
  7. If the itching is intense and intractable, phototherapy with Psoralen-UVA or filtered UVB will provide excellent results in most patients. These are available in most dermatologists' offices.

Thus, though very resistant to conventional treatments, patients with aquagenic pruritus can enjoy the occasional plunge with proper precautions and medications. It has also to be borne in mind that all itching after contact with water is not aquagenic pruritus, it could be contact dermatitis to the soap, solvents in the water, brush etc. If wheals are present, it is called aquagenic urticaria.

Read more at Suite101: How to Get Rid of Aquagenic Pruritus: Tips on Treating the Water Induced Itch [pranala luar disembunyikan, sila masuk atau daftar.]
Be the sustainable learner, because life is learning...

Huriah M Putra

Apa ya penyebab untuk #5?

Alien hand syndrome itu bukannya penyakit langka pada pasien yang dipotong corpus callosumnya?
[move]OOT OOT OOT..!!![/move]


no.8: Limbad???
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no.9 mirip yang di idle hands...
Mau Belajal Yang Pintel Bial Jadi Doktel Hewan Yang Ashoi


Kutip dari: syx pada Februari 03, 2010, 07:00:47 PM
emang penderita alergi air umurnya bisa panjang? air sebagai alergen... aneh, bener-bener aneh.

Kutip dari: raisuien pada Februari 03, 2010, 05:52:48 PM
penderita seperti dipaksa namun dia tak sadar telah memperkosa orang karna dia tidur....
namun cara ini banyak dilakukan oleh pemerkosa untuk lari dari tuntutan hukum,...
karna dia bilang saya terkena penyakit itu....
dan hakim tidak bisa memenjarakannya dengan alasan pelaku tidak sadar....
mungkin begitu..... ~~
klo salah sorry.....

aneh banget kalo gitu... masa sih yang diperkosa ga membela diri? masa kalah ama orang tidur? kalo digebukin masa ga bangun? rasanya lemah banget kalo 'penyakit' ini dipake alasan...
mungkin pelakunya seorang dokter ::)
soal alergi air itu tuh, apa sama dengan Hidrofobia?kalo sama berarti ada dua kemungkinan penyebabnya, Virus dan kejiwaan, tapi Ketika melibatkan bentuk virus juga dikenal sebagai Rabies (penyakit).dan lagi kebanyakan hidrofobik tidak bisa berenang, jadi belajar berenang akan membantu menghilangkan rasa takut....
starting by doing what is necessary, then what is possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible...

Huriah M Putra

Alergi air dan hidrophobia beda..
Lagian menurut topic-starter, alergi air itu karna alergi dengan kandungan ion di dalamnya.. Jadi kalo aquades gak masalah.

Ooo... Hidrophobia karna rabies itu pernah baca karna histeris. Si penderita karna spasme otot rahang, gak bisa minum. Akibatnya ketika melihat air, dia histeris karna kehausan.
Sama halnya dengan melolong pada penderita rabies. Karna spasme otot juga...
[move]OOT OOT OOT..!!![/move]