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Game Theory

Dimulai oleh nash, April 21, 2009, 10:54:54 AM

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bwt temen2 forsa yg punya pengetahuan mgenai Teori Permainan (Game Theory) yg dcetuskan oleh John Nash, boleh dishare di sini!

gw tnggu partisipasinya y!
"Perhaps it is good to have a beautiful mind, but an even greater gift is to discover a beautiful heart"

(John Nash, "A Beautiful Mind")


Kayaknya masalah game theory ini udah pernah dibahas di room ini atau di bimbel ya gw lupa. mungkin abang mataram masih inget.


yah, kudu cek ke warnet deh,
gw kalo posting dr hp mulu c,
ok dh thx!
"Perhaps it is good to have a beautiful mind, but an even greater gift is to discover a beautiful heart"

(John Nash, "A Beautiful Mind")


wah ga tau... cuma tau john nash dari film "beautiful mind"


Boleh minta clue ga???

Teori permainan ada hubunganya ma teori bilangan ga???


wew, mentang2 usernamenya Nash, yang dibahas game theory. Fans berat john nash ya?
Dah pernah dibahas dikit nih di topik lain. Coba baca :
Kesetimbangan Nash / Prisoner's Dilemma

Berhubung topik itu di forum buku, keknya lebih tepat dilanjutin di sini aja.



hmmf, yes, nash itu idola saya
"Perhaps it is good to have a beautiful mind, but an even greater gift is to discover a beautiful heart"

(John Nash, "A Beautiful Mind")


Kutip dari: reborn pada Mei 26, 2009, 08:29:43 PM
wew, mentang2 usernamenya Nash, yang dibahas game theory. Fans berat john nash ya?
Dah pernah dibahas dikit nih di topik lain. Coba baca :
Kesetimbangan Nash / Prisoner's Dilemma

Berhubung topik itu di forum buku, keknya lebih tepat dilanjutin di sini aja.

Om reborn punya sumber lain ga?



coba ke wikipedia english
"Perhaps it is good to have a beautiful mind, but an even greater gift is to discover a beautiful heart"

(John Nash, "A Beautiful Mind")


Kutip dari: nash pada Mei 26, 2009, 09:36:17 PM

coba ke wikipedia english
If i read this, i just wanna say I confuse, an I not understand about that, because my English too bad, thats prooved from my last TOEFL score, hehehe-->tertawa malu