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Keluarga Pembunuh

Dimulai oleh raisuien, November 15, 2009, 02:16:12 PM

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How can a family of 5 (dad, mom, son, daughter, dog) cross the river safely with a boat under the following restrictions:
* Only the parents can row a boat.
* The boat only has 3 seats.
* The mom is not as strong as the dad and can only carry one at a time.
* The mom is afraid to ride alone.
* The dad kills the daughter if the mom is not around.
* The mom kills the son if the dad is not around.
* The daughter kills her brother when nobody is around.
* The son alone kills himself.
* The dog bites the kids when no adult is around


busyed nich keluarga, mo nyeberang sungai aja susah banget.
kalo mo selamet kudu bolak balik dari pagi sampe malem cuma untuk nyebrang sungai doang. cpd


dah.. ayo tebak ja.. ^^v

pokoknya langkah yg paling singkat yg menang...


ok nich gw coba jawab dech:
1.   dad,son,dog   leave the dogs alone
2.   dad,son   
3.   mom,daugher   leave the daugher alone and take the dog
4.   mom,dog.   
5.   dad,son,mom.   leave the mom join with daughter
6.   dad,son.   
7.   dad,son, dog.   finish



mirip dgn yang ada di intisari, jawabannya adalah sang anak