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Dimulai oleh Ief-Tha, Maret 06, 2009, 10:31:18 AM

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sisca, chemistry

setuju sama yg atas...
~ You are what you eat ~

Monox D. I-Fly

Curhatku soal di-bully (aku copy-paste dari postinganku di forum lain, tapi maaf lagi males nerjemahin):

I have been always bullied from elementary school to middle school. That had left a horrible pain in my heart, especially my life at middle school. There were some years when I hated even every single middle schooler. I even wanted to take revenge, revenge on every single middle schooler. However, one thing changed me.
I was a college student at Teacher Training and Education study program. At 7th semester, the college students in that program are obliged to undergo pre-teaching at schools. I got an Internationally Standarized Middle School back then. I saw the students there were very happy, much more different than how was I at their age. I envied them. I envied them very much. Why could they have a happy life at middle school? Then, feeling all those 3 years worth of pain, I determined to myself that I wouldn't let them feel the same pain as me. Yes, I was fond of them because I envied them. Ironic, eh? I kept getting close to them, even to the point that a girl of them (a 7th grader at the time), confessed her love to me. I was struck by that, though I did see it coming. Being always single before this (people keep saying that I am ugly), I took up the chance. It didn't last long, and we broke up just after 3 months. We still keep in contact with each other, though.
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