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Tao of Physics

Dimulai oleh advisor, November 15, 2006, 12:15:47 PM

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Bahas Tao of Physics di sini.

Kutip"I had several discussions with Heisenberg. I lived in England then [circa 1972], and I visited him several times in Munich and showed him the whole manuscript chapter by chapter. He was very interested and very open, and he told me something that I think is not known publicly because he never published it. He said that he was well aware of these parallels. While he was working on quantum theory he went to India to lecture and was a guest of Tagore. He talked a lot with Tagore about Indian philosophy. Heisenberg told me that these talks had helped him a lot with his work in physics, because they showed him that all these new ideas in quantum physics were in fact not all that crazy. He realized there was, in fact, a whole culture that subscribed to very similar ideas. Heisenberg said that this was a great help for him. Niels Bohr had a similar experience when he went to China. — Fritjof Capra, interviewed by Renee Weber in the book The Holographic Paradigm (page 217–218)"


waks....hari tu saya pernah baca buku yang judulnya the dancing wu li master karangan gary zukaf...katanya sih ada hubungannya dengan tao of physics......apa mungkin teori kuantum itu memang dapat dimengerti kalo kita belajar filsafat...


aku dah baca neh buku sampe abis. yang ngarang fritjof capra. ilmuwan fisika terkenal. kenapa jadi pseudo science ?


Kutip dari: kurtis.stryker pada Desember 13, 2006, 12:19:28 PM
aku dah baca neh buku sampe abis. yang ngarang fritjof capra. ilmuwan fisika terkenal. kenapa jadi pseudo science ?

Yup betul, bukunya fritjof capra. Isinya soal paralelisme mistis timur (seperti Tao dan Buddha) dengan fisika modern.... is this science?